Buffy:1st Slay

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                                                                     Back Story

In 1992, The original Buffy (Kristy) began her legacy as The Slayer

In 5 years with the help of her husband Pike, Buffy was able to completely

rid the Valley of vampires for good, Giving her and Pike a chance for a long overdue

honeymoon. On this honeymoon, Which was a cross country motorcycle trip

Buffy & Pike were attacked by demons in Arizona, A ruthless gang called The Sun Devils

proved to be more than the 2 could handle forcing them to flee with their injuries.

After the melee Pike & Buffy were involved in an accident, Leaving them both in a coma

A coma that only Buffy would survive. In a loving anger filled tone Buffy made a promise

to Pike that she would continue their cross country honeymoon. Vowing to kill every vampire

demon or monster she encountered along the way. A 5 minute battle caused a 5 day coma

that ended a 5 year relationship, But from the ashes of their ruin rose another Slayer

In 1997, The next Slayer was activated because of Buffy's recent brush with death

Coincidently this slayer was also named Buffy, though no relation they shared a simular

personality and view of the world. This L.A. born Buffy (Sarah) moved to Sunnydale

after recently learning of her calling and being exspelled from her school in L.A.

Buffy didnt know Sunnydale was the hell mouth capitol of the world and that she would

spend the next 7 years saving the world time and time again from apacolypse

Until finnally closing the hell mouth for good through a sacrifice from Spike

After the desctruction of Sunnydale Buffy (Sarah) looked to start a new life

Coincidently choosing the life wanted by the original Slayer (Kristy)

By moving to Europe, Marrying Freddie Prinze Jr and not dying (Again).

Now the year is 2013, 10 years since the retirement of Buffy Summers (Sarah)

The Hellmouth has been secretly gathering demonic energy from around the world

and is planning to resurface in Oakland,CA while there is no active slayer in the region

Meanwhile on the opposite coast of America in Harlem,NY

The original Buffy (Kristy) is close to wrapping up her Slayer World Tour

A tour of duty that began 15 years ago after the tragic death of her husband Pike.

Buffy who was on a routine nightly patrol heard a scream come from the alley

She rushed in to save the day only to find the woman was not in trouble

The woman who was actually a prost!tute in the middle of an important business meeting

Thought Buffy was also a working girl, One that was trying to steal her client away 

Oh no i'm not a working girl Buffy said, Well actually i kinda am but my job is very complicated

The woman replied your wearing spandex in an alley after midnight

I think thats about as complicated as it gets.  Actually it just got a little more compilicated

Walking up were 2 vamp chicks, 1 had brass knuckles and the other had a chain

Not knowing that Buffy was The Slayer, They were enraged by her insults and lack of respect

They charged at her full speed only to get the worst beating of their life

In fact the reason for their delayed demise was that the vamp with the chain

Accidently broke 1 of Buffy's nails, Causing Buffy to go on a 2 minute rant about

How by breaking 1 of her nails they have disrespected the entire Asian community

Therefore she was now killing them for all little asian shop girls in America

That are only here to escape the communist dictatorship of their homeland

But before Buffy could finish them a man in a black and red suit came from out the shadows

Laughing at the thought that after 200 years he had finnally found the infamous slayer

So you are the chosen one he said, The slayer that destroyed the Hellmouth

I dont know what your talking about but i'm the slayer thats about to destroy your yukmouth

Referring to the vampire's Gold grill with silver fangs. Tell Me...Are you Buffy Summers?

No you stalker i'm Buffy Stevens, And unless your Ed Mcmahon with a fat check

I'm about to make your suit very dusty. Well since your not the Buffy i was looking for

Theres no need to waste much time on you. WTH does that mean?

It means i'm going to shoot you. (OH!) Well Mister thats a shame because

Though i may not be Buffy Summers or whoever, i actually think your kinda hunky

I mean i dont normally date vampires but its always been something i wanted to try

You can't be serious, Count Blood Money doesnt date Slayers, I kill them

Hey buddy opposites atrract, I'm a Slayer Your a Vampire

I'm from the Valley your from the slums of New York

I think we've got a pretty good shot. Unfortuatley shot being the only word he heard

Count Blood Money began chasing and shooting at Buffy

Cornering her on a bridge and shooting her execution style

Watching her lifeless body fall into the river and smiling with extreme joy

Before walking away the 2 vamp chicks suggested to Count Blood Money

That New York was getting a little Dull and that maybe they should give Cali a try

Pandora and Raven thats an excellent idea, a vacation would do us all some good

And maybe, Just maybe i will find the Buffy i've been looking for.  

                                                              Buffy:1st Slay

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