The New Girl

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Chapter 1=The New Girl 

Good morning class, I would like to introduce our new student 

Let's give a warm Oak Hill welcome to Buffy Sable 

Surprisingly most the students booed and made funny faces 

Coughing out things like poser and super slutt 

Buffy responded with a middle finger and some choice words 

Fuk you dousebags, I hope all of you burn in hell

The teacher was outraged sending Buffy straight to the principal's office 

Well Miss Sable, I see your already making friends 

Yeah and I see your already looking at my tits 

Very funny Miss Sable, You should try using that pretty mouth 

For more than just foul language. Great advice principal Any suggestions? 

A few but none I care to share at the moment. That's ok, You can just 

Look into my eyes and think about it very intensely

Well Miss Sable, I have to say I'm very impressed 

Most transfers don't live up to their reputation 

Especially ones from a prissy school like Hollywood Arts 

Hey what can I say, I'm a star with a capital R 

Well I'm glad to hear it, keep up the good work 

And have a wonderful wonderful day

-Bully or Bully- 

After Buffy left the principal's office, she decided to ditch class 

And take a tour of the school. Crazy enough she ended up in the library 

Where she saw 2 girls bullying a nerd behind the books

Hey I'm sorry to interrupt but I thought Oak Hill was a school for bad asses 

So WTH is Martha Stewarts daughter doing here? Even Martha Stewart  

Did some jail time, So why don't you remove the eyeliner and go read a book 

You know what I think I'll do that, Let's see what we have here 

Oh Twilight Breaking Dawn, Now this should keep me busy for a while 

Yeah go read Twilight and masturbate, Take Harry Potter with you too

Another great suggestion, you girls have been very helpful 

I really wasn't sure what books to kick you're a$$ with 

But you've made the decision very easy for me 

Buffy proceeded to smack the girls with the books 

As we know these are some pretty big books 

So the girls quickly begged for mercy before they received concussions 

Hey we're really sorry just stop hitting us. Your preaching to the choir sister 

Apologize to the nerd and then suck her big toe, Sure Sure whatever you say  

Now get out of here, and don't come back until you've bullied somebody 

Worth bullying. Hey I take offense to that, I'm worth bullying  

No actually your not, but it's cute that you think you are 

-My Name is- 

Well thanks for your help, I didn't catch your name though 

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