Creatures of The Night

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Chapter 2=Creatures of The Night 

You girls aren't dressed yet, How long does it take to get ready? 

Much longer when your in the back of a car, (Excuses, Excuses) 

Hey Joe I gotta question for you, Sure Buff fire away 

If the car is stolen and our clothes are stolen, Does that mean we're broke?

That's very perceptive but actually your never broke as long as we have a brain and the desire to get things done. Well that's a way of looking at it

So how does your brain and desire get us drinks at the club? 

Well it doesn't, Your breasts and her legs will get us that. 

Alright I'm ready, Let's party like its 1997 

Ok we'll try Zoey, Even though me and you were babies at the time

You gals look pretty hot if I say so myself, Thanks your not too bad either  

Now let's walk the black carpet so when can rock out with our c0ck out 

Sorry about that, I have to remember I'm not in jail anymore

That reminds me what were you in for anyway? It's a long story Buffy 

Let's just have a good time tonight and we'll talk about that later 

Ok Joe but you bet not embarrass me on the dance floor 

Oh no J-Rude has got all the moves, Just ask Zoey Zoe 

All I know is these heels aren't made for walking, So don't expect much dancing from me. Oakland's finest is back, The Grimm here we come 

-The Grimm- 

Hey Buffy I'm actually half naked just like the other skanks, Isn't this great? 

Yeah Zoey I'm proud of you, Welcome to your skankhood 

Alright girls see if you can score us some champagne 

Oh I think we can handle that, Hey Zoey follow my lead

Wow I'm so freakin horny, I wish I was drunk already so I could show it 

Yeah me too, You know how we act with each other when we're drunk 

Excuse me ladies but I couldn't help but over hear you talking 

It sounds like you could use some drinks to get you going 

Yes God Yes, Then we can take someone home for a 3some, (3some?) 

You girls are lesb!ans? Well we're bi-sexual, isn't that right Zoey? 

Give me some sugar baby, I can't wait to find our lucky guy 

Well Hey here's a bottle of champagne so why don't you find me before you leave so we can hook up. That's sounds like fun, Be ready for a wild night

Dam you girls are good, Zoey your almost too good, You really looked like you enjoyed that kiss. Aw I was just staying in character, Yuck Buffy Lips 

Check out the Kiss Cover Band, Full make up and everything 

We're Creatures of The Night all right, At least for tonight anyway 

Hey Zoey look who it is, It's your friend Leonard 

Yeah and he's with Tannin and the fat guy Geryon 

Sh!t how do I look, there coming this way, Who's coming this way?(G.T.L.)

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 30, 2012 ⏰

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