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  • Dedicated to my readers

*** THIS IS OLD INFO! :) Go to the next chapter if you want to see official information and the publishing date for the sequel! ***

Hello everyone! I have a few announcements!

As you all may know, I'm going to start writing Book 2 of Seize the Day in November of 2014. That's less than a MONTH away and I'm excited! The tentative date for posting is in mid-January of 2015. If you want to be more informed about it, go ahead and follow me. I'll be posting updates with my writing process. :)

And I didn't tell you guys the title of Book 2 because I wanted it to be a surprise...until now!

The title for Book 2 is Chains of Fate

I hope you like the name! I can officially say that I am psyched to write it and share it with all of you!

But before I go, there is one more thing: I am hosting an event for Chains of Fate! I want to involve you guys with writing Book 2, so you can suggest things you want to see in it!

Here are some questions to get your mind running:

 1.    Do you have mythical creatures you'd like to see in Book 2? (Anything and everything!)
 2.    Do you want to see particular scenes or do you want to know more about a particular character's background/personality/anything?
 3.    And finally: Is there something in the world of Etheia that you'd like to see more of?

You don't have to follow the questions. I just want to know what YOU want to see in Book 2! Names, characters, trees, cats, anything! You can send me a PM or just comment here. I might not be able to use the suggestions (I have to go with the flow of the story!), but it might spur some ideas. For the mythical creatures, I've gotten suggestions everywhere from dragons to vampires, so don't be afraid to suggest anything. I don't bite!

I wanted to do this so I could write the book with you all or at least involve you in the writing. I know it sounds trite, but I honestly love interacting with you guys. There's nothing that makes me happier than reading your comments and talking with you. So thank you for sticking with me all this time. I couln't have more supportive and amazing readers than you guys have been for me!


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