Chapter 3

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"Wait, wait, wait... Like the Jack Frost? Like the guardian Jack Frost?!"

"Yep." He shrugs

"So for some all powerful guardian is that the best you can do?.. Blow a few snowflakes in my face? Come on hit me with your best shot." I run away laughing.

He follows me but I'm faster until he starts flying. I jump behind an ice column and he wooshes around the corner and past me. I double back and run back into the main room I find the notch in the ice and melt the door. I dive into the cavern and reform the ice just as he comes around the corner with a snowball saying

"you're going to be sorry. You asked for it." He stops confused and look around "I was sure she came in here" he mumbles.

I try to contain my laughter from behind the wall and I run up the spiral stair case that leads to my room.

"Jaaaacccckkkk I bet you can't find me" I laugh as you look around in confusion.

"Come on elsa where are you?" He laughs out he walks out onto the balcony and makes a little snow storm and sings extremely off pitch,

"LET THE STORM RAGE OOOONNNNNNN!!!! the cold never bothered me anyways." Then walks back inside. "Hellllooooooo?"

"I'm upstairs. If you can find me you can come up." You look around confused. "Here's a hint. Use your powers to sense the secret." R closes his eyes and thinks "oh... And by the way have you been stalking me?..."

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