~ Seventeen ~

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After work the next day I feel exhausted. I'm sitting at the small desk resting my head in my hands when I hear the sliding door open. "If you're too tired we can go shopping later." Johnnys voice says from right behind me. I jump slightly and spin in my chair narrowing my eyes at his dirty overalls.

"I thought I told you not too to come into my clean office when you're dirty." I say gesturing to the door with me head. Johnny chuckles and makes his way back to the door and leans against the frame.

"Alright miss grumpy pants. You ready to go home?" He asks smirking at me, crossing his arms. "I'm not even grumpy." I mumble. "No. Go change and we'll go shopping." I say quickly not giving him the chance to answer.

"Aye aye captain." He laughs walking off to the small locker room at the back of the shop. He returns shortly after dressed in clean clothes and grease free.

We walk around the baby store comparing cribs when a young sales assistant comes up. "Hi there. Can I help you?" She smiles sweetly placing her hand on Johnnys arm. Johnny scowls at her and shrugs her arm off him. "Are you looking to get a gift for your sister?" She asks barely looking at me. Johnnys scowl deepens as he steps closer to me.

I chuckle quietly to myself at his annoyance. "No." He grunts turning away to look at a crib. "Oh are you helping her find a crib?" She asks not giving up and steps closer to Johnny. His eyes narrow at her before looking at me with pleading eyes. I smirk at him before focusing my attention at the crib. "Is this coz I called you grumpy?" He mumbles.

"Yup." I smile running my fingers along the wood. "I'm sorry. I'll make it up to you tonight." He answers stepping closer to me as the sales girls does to him. "In bed?" I whisper glancing over his shoulder to the girl who hasn't stopped talking since she arrived. "Anything you want." He whispers into my ear. I send him a toothy grin before turning to the young girl.

"Actually we're here to find cribs for our babies." I smile. "Babies?" She questions in shock taking a step back. "Yeah. Ya know twins? This guy just couldn't get enough of me and just had to get me double pregnant."

Johnny chokes from behind and the girls face turns bright red. "Ah. Um. Oh." She stutters out. "Is everything okay here?" An older sales lady say coming up to us. "Oh Johnathan. Hello." The lady says. "Hey Cindy." He mumbles. "Everything okay?" Cindy asks looking between the sales girl and me. "Susie. What did you do now?" She asks through clenched teeth.

"She touched me." Johnny accuses quickly. "And wouldn't stop flirting with me." He tells on the girl like a little kid. "For fucks sake." Cindy mumbles under her breathe. "Go sort stock in the back room."

"I'm so sorry Johnathan." Cindy says sympathetically. "Hi. You must be Liv. I'm Cindy. My son Tyler plays soccer with Tom." She smiles kindly at me. "I'm so sorry about Susie. This isn't the first time she's done this." She says a deep line appearing between her eyebrows.

"It's fine." I smile back already liking this lady. Cindy spends the next hour with us helping pick and get everything we need. Turns out Cindy is the manager of the store. She even arranged a special delivery for us.

The week flies by. We decided not to move until all the baby furniture arrives, which it is today! Johnny and I spend most of our time working or just hanging out. Enjoying our time of just us two together. On Saturday morning after a long good morning from Johnny I skip over to Charlie's house. "Hey pumpkin. You ready to go?" He asks meeting me at the door.

On the ride to the ball park we sing, terribly I might add. When we take our seats Charlie is quite. "What's wrong?" I ask bumping my shoulder against his. "I'm good." He shrugs. I know my best friend and he is hardly ever quite. "You've got to tell me." I demand. "I'm very pregnant right now and will cry if you don't tell me." I pouts. Charlie smirks at me and shakes his head before mumbling "always playing dirty."

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