~ Twenty-two ~

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Charlie and Sam yell respectively as they both lunge to hug both Johnny and I. "Let me see the ring! How did he do it? Was it romantic? Did you cry?" Sam asks not taking a breath and grabbing my hand. "It's beautiful." Sam smiles. "Now answer all my questions." She demands not taking her eyes off my ring.

"Well the twins stayed at Marcs for the weekend and Johnny made me go on a massive walk in the forest and on the way back we walked along the pier at sunset and he asked." I smile. I purposely leave out the carving our initials on the tree, leaving that just for Johnny and I.

"Did you get on one knee?" Charlie asks Johnny smiling like an idiot. "Maybe." He mumbles, cheeks becoming slightly red. "Who would've thought Charlies quiet, moody friend would not only knock up my pumpkin but ask her to fucking marry her!" Sam says dramatically throwing herself back onto the couch.

"Hey. I'm not moody." Johnny says faking hurt. "You fucking were." She counters making me laugh. "Holy shit! Look!" I say interrupting their fake argument. All eyes follow my finger at Willow who is half way rolling from her stomach to her back. She stops on her side for a second before rolling all the way over. "She just rolled over." Johnny whispers more to himself. "She rolled over." I whisper at the same time.

All four of us stare at her for a minute shocked before she bursts out crying. Johnny instantly leans forward and scoops her into his arms and soothes her. Once her tears stop she looks around at Charlie and gives him a gummy smile and launches herself at him. "Excuse me miss. I'm meant to be the favourite." Sam grumbles pinching her cheek and shaking making her giggle.

"And now she laughs?" Johnny says in disbelief. "She's just showing off for Aunty Sam aren't you?" Sam laughs pulling faces. I glance at Arlo who has picked up the tv remote and has it stuffed in his mouth. Before I can move to take it off him Johnny seems to have noticed and already has him in his arms. "Are you going to start laughing too?" I ask blowing a raspberry on his cheek. I pull back and see his face is blank. "I bet we can make him laugh." Sam sasses taking him into her arms.

Turns out Sam and Charlie can make both babies laugh, Apparently mommy and daddy aren't cool enough for laughs, only smiles.

"When are you going to wedding plan?" Sam asks looping her arm through mine as we walk through the malls food court. "I already know exactly what I want." I tell her looking back at Johnny and Charlie Who each have a baby strapped the their chests."Without me?" She asks with a small pout. "I'm obviously need my maid of honours help to sort the details though." I giggle pushing her shoulder gently.

"About time you asked!" She laughs pushing my shoulder back. "After we eat we should ditch the boys and go get our nails done." Sam saying looking over her shoulder eyeing them. "Sounds like a perfect idea." I laugh. "What are you two laughing at?" Charlie asks joining us. "Nothing." Sam And I both answer. "That means they're up to something." He says to Johnny eyeing us.

Once we've all finished our food Sam stands up and grabs my arm pulling me with her. "We're going to get our nails done. Have fun." She says dragging me off not waiting for a reply.I laugh and blow Johnny a kiss Who is laughing at my best friend whilst Charlie sits there looking shocked.

Sam and I spend the rest of the pampering ourselves and talking about my wedding plans. Johnny and Charlie follow us around the whole time, not complaining once. "Sorry I don't have a spare room." Sam sighs as Charlie pulls out the bed part of the sofa. "It's honestly fine." I tell her with a smile.

"You guys could take my room." Sam says tucking Arlo into the crib. "I'll have to get up and feed them anyway." I tell her pulling her into a hug. "Let's go to my room for a bit. The boys can talk football." Sam says dragging me to her bedroom. "What's wrong?" I ask noticing she's acting differently. "I'm homesick and I miss you." She says sitting on the bed, avoiding eye contact.

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