~ Eighteen ~

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When I wake up the next morning the pains in my stomach are getting worse. Johnny freaks and wants to take me to the hospital but I refuse telling him it's just Braxton Hicks. Throughout the day the pains come and go. Johnny spends the day with me in bed answering my every beck and call.

On Monday morning I wake up before Johnnys alarm because I pissed the fucking bed. "Fucking hell." I mutter to myself before waking Johnny. "Johnny." Is all it takes for him to wake up. "What's wrong?" He asks frantically. "Nothing. I just pissed myself." I huff climbing out of the bed. "Ahh Liv. I don't think you pissed." He says looking at the slightly red but very wet stain on the sheets.

"Fuck!" I hiss through my teeth as another cramp racks through my stomach. "Let's go. Now." He says running around getting dressed after throwing me clothes. "Grab the bags." I pant leaning over the bed. "Got them. I'll be back." He says breathlessly running out of the room. He returns in less than a minute without the bags. "Come on baby." He says gently grabbing a hold of my hand.

I let Johnny lead me to his car and help me in before he speeds towards the hospital. "I need to ring Marc." I say grabbing Johnnys hand and squeezing as another contraction hits.

As soon as it passes I reach for my phone and ring Marc. "Hello?" He answers on the fourth ring. "I'm in labour." I say as calmly as I can which isn't much.

"What? Where are you?" He asks frantically as Johnny did this morning. "On the way to the, fuck shit mother fucking bitch! Hospital!" I say.

"I'm on my way." Marc answers before hanging up. "We're nearly there baby, you're going to be okay." Johnny says squeezing my hand back. Minutes later Johnny pulls up to the hospital and helps me out. As soon as I'm through the doors I'm put into a wheel chair and taken to a room.

"My dad." I mumble. "Sam, Ch-shit!" I manage to say. "I'll let them know." Johnny says letting go of my hand. "No! Hold my hand!" I yell at him. "Where's the fucking doctor?" I yell when a nurse walks in. "Shit Liv. I didn't know you had such a mouth on you." Marc chuckles entering the room. "I've called your dad. And Sam and Charlie." Marc smiles walking to my other side.

"Where's Sam?" I ask grabbing his hand. "I need her here too."

"I'll go get her sweetheart." He answers giving my forehead a kiss before leaving. "I can't do this Johnny. It hurts." I cry. "You can baby. You can do it." He says kissing me.

The instant his lips touch mine I feel my body relax. He's right. I'm a boss ass bitch and can do this. "Oh my god Olivia!" Sam squeals running into the room making Johnny pull away. "How are you?" She asks looking at the machine I'm hooked up too. "I'd be better if the fucking doctor hurry ups!" I say gritting my teeth. "I swear to god if he doesn't show up you're delivering these babies." I tell her.

"That won't be necessary." A deep voice says entering the room. My eyes focus on the man the voice comes from and instantly recognise the asshole from the emergency room when the desk fell on me. "Nope. Not you. Make him leave." I demand to Johnny. "Baby. It's okay." He tells me kissing my hand. The doctor checks me over and informs me that'll have to start pushing.

"I'll come back later." Sam tells me kissing my forehead before waltzing out the door. "I'm scared." I whisper pulling on Johnnys hand. "You're going to do amazing."


90 minutes later Johnny is holding me in his arms whilst I'm holding my two tiny but perfect babies in my arms.

"They're so perfect." Johnny whispers tracing his finger along our baby boys nose. "I can't believe how much hair he has." I answer looking at his full head of dark hair. "She's a little baldy compared to him." I giggle softly. Our daughter has a thin layer of light brown hair just like her mommy.

Seventeen and PregnantWhere stories live. Discover now