~ Twenty ~

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Two weeks after Johnny started back the shop he came home practically sleeping on his feet.

"Are you okay?" I ask jumping up when he walks in. "Just tired baby. It's been a long week." He yawns slouching on the couch. 

"How would feel if the babies stayed at dads this weekend?"

"Like tomorrow night?" I ask sitting next to him and pulling his head into my lap to run my fingers through his hair. "And tonight." He yawns closing his eyes. "Or just for the day tomorrow?" He continues when I don't answer.

"He wouldn't mind?" I ask tracing my finger along his nose to his lips. "He offered." Johnny whispers playfully biting my finger. "When does he wants us to drop them off?" I ask giggling as I hook my finger into his cheek. "Soon. He's cooking."

"Well you better go have a shower." I tell him pulling my finger out of his mouth and kissing his forehead.

A hour later we're walking through the front door of Marc's house with the twins. "Babies!" Percy yells taking both car seats out of our hands. "Hello to you too." Johnny mumbles rolling his eyes. "Are they here?" Toms voice yells from the stairs. "Yes!" Percy yells back picking up Willow.

Seconds later Tom runs down the stairs and straight into my arms. "Dad said you're taking us to the parade!" His eyes sparkling with excitement. "Yup! And you're helping me cook." I smile hugging him back. "No deal." He says before walking over to Arlo.

"Hey Liv." Marc says entering the living room and pulling me into a bear hug. "Thank you for offering to look after the kids." I say hugging him tightly. "It's not problem. You two need some adult time." He winks before going back to the kitchen.

After eating dinner we all sit in the living room as we had done countless times before, talking and watching tv. Johnny and I curled up on the love seat while Percy put the twins to sleep in his room. Within 20 minutes Johnny is sound asleep with his head on my shoulder. "Why don't you wake him and head home?" Marc says quietly as he picks up a sleeping Tom. "Thank you so much for this weekend." I thank him again.

"Thank you making my son happy Liv." He says kissing my head before walking upstairs.

"Hey. Johnny." I whisper shaking Johnnys shoulder gently. "Hmm?" He answers sleepily, lifting his head from my shoulder.

"You want to go home?"

"Shit. Did I fall asleep?" He asks sitting up right looking around. "Yup. Wasn't me this time." I smirk. "Come on sleepy head. I'll take you home."

When we get home Johnny and I crawl straight into bed. "I love you Olivia Carter." He murmurs kissing my lips softly. "I love you too Johnathan Williams." I answer kissing him back. As I start to pull away he pulls me closer and continues to kiss me. I slide my hands from his neck down his chest slowly making him moan into my mouth.

When my fingers reach his happy trail Johnny pulls back. "What's wrong?" I ask leaning up on my elbow looking down at him who looks like he's having an internal battle. "I really want you right now." He mumbles taking a deep breath. "Then why'd you pull away?" I question. "Isn't it too soon?"


Johnnys eyes fly open at my words making me laugh. "Really?" He asks leaning forward. "Really." I giggle smashing my lips against his.

Johnny wastes no time climbing on top of me. I tug on the bottom of his shirt and obediently pulls it off. I quickly pull off my shirt at the same time. As soon as our shirts are off Johnny is back on top and kissing me. He kisses down my neck and chest leaving love bites on my tits.

My fingers run through his hair as I moan, arching my back into his mouth. "You're so beautiful." Johnny mumbles as he kisses his way back to my mouth. "I need you to fuck me. Now." I demand starting to push his boxers down.

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