Chapter 5: That time I helped care for Midoriya Ibuki

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It's been a month since Hero Deku and Hero Shoto's son Ibuki has been at Hanabi kindergarten. This kindergarten is known for having to look over and protect children of Heroes so it's important to watch over them. Ibuki in particular is the child us caretakers and teachers have to watch out for. As the son of very sought-out heroes, his safety must be protected.

Usually children of heroes are quite anxious about their parents being out on the field. That's not really the case for Ibuki. Even for such a young child, he has a great understanding of his parents' duties and responsibilities. He also barely whines and he isn't picky with his food and is always on his best behavior. Yet I can tell that deep down he has a little bit of loneliness that he tries very hard to not show.

"Alright everyone! It's time for some art!"

I gather all the children together as they start yelling out what they wanted to draw while grabbing the available utensils that they needed. Sitting them down I ask them to settle down before telling them to properly share the colors that they want and to have good manners.

Looking over to one of the tables are 3 children playing around with some crayons and Ibuki is passing out the colors that his playmates ask for.

I smile and watch the other children as the day goes by.

After a good 30 minutes, the time for art is done and everyone shows his or her work to me. Many of them explaining to me what they drew and why. It's all very cute with how they try to impress me with their artistic skills.

The bell rings and it's time for the students to go home. I tell them to get their things together and have them be off. Some are sad to go and some scream joy. At this time though, there is always 3 to 4 children who aren't as excited.

The reason being because they themselves know that their parents won't be able to come to get them.

"Chisaki, Leia, Tetsuya, and Ibuki!" I call out. They all look at me as they walk towards me, already knowing what I was going to say.

"I got a call that your parents and guardians will be a little late today, so let's go do something together shall we?" I put my head to the side and smile for them.
Tetsuya raises his hand and suggests that we play Heroes and the Villain. A popular and classic game where the children are the heroes and the teacher is the villain.

"aww but I want to play house!" says Leia as she starts grabbing my leg hopping that I'll pick her suggesting. Chisaki as well goes to my other leg and looks at me with her big eyes. Dang it. Gets me every time.

"Okay. How about this then! We'll play house first, and then do Heroes and Villains?"

"Okay fine! But I wanna be the hero Dad in the house game then!"

"But I want Ibuki to be the Dad! You got to be the Dad last time!" Leia says as she grabs Ibuki's hand. Chisaki who was still at my leg starts nodding her head, most likely in agreement with what Leia had said. Ibuki starts laughing and starts patting Tetsuya on the back.

Tetsuya who was a little upset decided that he'd let Ibuki be the dad but he absolutely had to be the Super Hero in Heroes and the Villain. The children agreed and played their little hearts out.

A little over an hour later, Chisaki's mother comes in to pick up her daughter. Calling for me so that I know that she is here. Next was Tetsuya's Father then shortly after Leia.

It's not a surprise that Ibuki is the last child. After all, his parents are both top Heroes who are in high Demand right now. Ibuki goes over to the table with the art supplies and starts to draw. It's hard to see a child so obviously lonely but would deny it immediately when addressed.

"What are you drawing Ibuki?" As I sit next to him on the tiny table.

"Papa and Daddy...!"

"I see!" I answer with a lot of enthusiasm and Ibuki goes back to his drawing.

Midoriya Ibuki isn't a quiet child with the rest of the children but when he's all-alone here with me is when he shows this side of him. It must be tough to have such strong, well known heroes as parents.

For the month that I have known Ibuki I have become aware of how selfless he can be. It must be something he got from his parents. He is always the one asking what his other classmates want first before caring about himself. Always giving his favorite yellow crayon immediately someone asks for it and smiling no matter what.

Anyone could tell that his parents deeply care for him and that they do everything they can do make sure that their child is taken cared of. As a follower of Hero Deku's private social media account, there are many cute pictures of the family that I can't help but smile at.


I look over to see Ibuki looking at me with his turquoise eyes and wonder what this little could be asking about.

Ibuki continues on with his question with, "I wonder if papa and daddy will like this drawing? Can you look at it and tell me?"

He puts his drawing up to my face eagerly and I can't help but smile at the cute scribbles he attempted at his parents. I nod enthusiastically to give Ibuki ease that his work of art is very good. Ibuki smiles wide and goes back to drawing more details until I hear the buzzer of the building go off.

Rubbing Ibuki's head I let another worker be with Ibuki and run to the entrance. Suddenly the door opens to reveal a slightly panting hero Deku.

"Sorry I'm late! I'm Midoriya! Is ibuki alright?"

I look up as I set down the slippers for Hero Deku to use to come on inside.

"Hello! Good Work today! Ibuki is in the play area."

Hero Deku very quickly puts on the slippers I prepared quickly and says,

"Sorry for always troubling you like this..."

I laugh. "Not at all! I'm just doing my job so don't worry about it."

I lead Hero Deku to the play area and call for Ibuki to let him know that his "papa" is here,

"Ibuki~ Your papa is here to pick you up~!"

I see Ibuki look up from his drawing with wide eyes and excitement.

"papa?" he says and he starts running up to us. I get out of the way so that Hero Deku could go to his son.

"Ibuki! Sorry for making you wait...!"

"Yay~!! Papa's here!"

I watch on the sidelines as they hug tightly and Hero Deku picks up little Ibuki, getting ready to leave. Hero Deku pats Ibuki's head and turns around to tell me,

"Well then.. Thank you again!"

I wave and say bye bye to the two. I think the most satisfying thing about this job is seeing the smiles of the children who finally get to see their parents after a long day. After all, seeing them happy is the best thing for me at least!

As I watch Ibuki settle down in Hero Deku's arms I think to myself to how I'm looking forward to see you again soon. But until then,

"Have a nice day, little Ibuki".

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