Forgotten Shoes

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"Dad! Can I bring Lix wit me to school?" The four year old had his arms completely wrapped around his confused little brother like a teddy bear, and I wasn't sure he was going to let go.

"Changbin, Felix has to stay with Mommy. You can play with him when you get back." You would have thought we were back to the first day of school again with the way he really didn't want to leave. I guess this is what happens when the school gives them a long weekend.

"Minho, let's go!" He came running out of his room with his backpack swinging behind him. I had to quickly pick up three year old Hyunjin so he didn't plow him over when he stopped at the door.

"Why does Mom get to stay home from school?" I sighed and sat Hyunjin back down on the ground since he was squirming all over the place and I didn't want to drop him.

"She just had baby Seungmin, remember Minho?"

My wife is a kindergarten teacher at the school two of the boys go to, so she always says she's going to school with them. But at least now with her being home for twelve weeks we won't have to pay the daycare center for the three that aren't in school.

"Hyunjin, make sure you behave for Mom. You too, Felix." I gave them a stern look before trying to find Jisung, but the two year old must still be sleeping.

"Okay, Minho in the car. Binnie, could you please let go of Felix so you can go to preschool? He's not Gyu." At the mention of his favorite stuffed animal, I knew I messed up. There is now no way I can convince him to leave Gyu at home if I'm also making him let go of Felix. And I thought I could go to work early today.

Changbin quickly let go of his one year old brother and tried to run into the room he shares with Hyunjin and Felix, but I scooped him up and started walking out of the house with him. I knew this would probably result in some screaming, but I was not getting another lecture from his teacher about how outside toys are not allowed in the classroom.

"Hun, I'm bringing them to school now!" I yelled into the house from the doorway, and I didn't even wait for her response before walking to the car with Changbin still over my shoulder.

Min was already in the car like I asked, so all I had to do was put Changbin in his car seat. Their Mom usually brings them in with her when she drives in, so they have never rode the bus. I tried to see if they would when she had Seungmin, but they were not having it.

"If Mom doesn't have work, does that mean you don't have work?" Changbin asked me from the backseat, and I looked at my chef uniform before responding.

"I still have to work, so Mom will pick you up from school in the van."

"Told you." Minho teased him, but the younger just sat there and waited for the six year old to be done.

"Minho, we're being nice today, right?" I saw him nod using the rear view mirror, and I pulled out of the driveway to drop them off at school.


"Yes, Min?"

"You forgot Binnie's shoes." I slowed down so I could turn and see I had indeed forgotten the four year old's shoes. I thought he already had them on when I carried him out to the car.

"It's fine. He probably doesn't need them anyways."

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