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Felix shuddered as he felt a drop of rain land on his face. The invisible scars from his mother still haunted him. Changbin slung his arm around the younger's shoulders, reminding him his head was indeed over the surface of the water.

Seungmin's wheelchair rolled along the sidewalk next to his hyungs, and Jeongin walked next to him. The ten year old maknae's head hung slightly as they walked, upset over today's events in class. His aphasia, or struggle with speech, had been the cause of endless teasing, and today was no exception.

"Are you doing okay, hyung? You can go ahead so I'm not slowing you down." Seungmin offered, but Felix shook his head. Jisung ended up having to catch Hyunjin as they walked since the thirteen year old had fallen asleep, and the volunteer firefighter in training just ended up carrying him.

Minho would have been walking with them since they had all decided to walk home from school, but he was staying with another kid in his class who was training to be a police officer. The sixteen year old knew after the countless shows he had watched on TV that busting street gangs was exactly what he wanted to do in life, even if he had considered joining them at one point. So, he quit the school's dance team and now used his time as an intern with an Officer Jade.

"Remember when you all convinced me I was adopted?" Felix asked, an amused smile on his face to keep his mind off of the thought that it was raining.

"That was mainly Hyunjin hyung. You can't really blame that on us." Seungmin pointed out, but Felix disagreed.

"And then you told me if I screamed I wouldn't grow." Lix accused Changbin, and the older laughed.

"Okay, but that was really smart. You wouldn't stop some days." He defended himself, and Jisung backed Changbin up.

"Speaking of good ol' memories. Why do I think Minho hyung got arrested?" Seungmin questioned, and the older boys tried to think if that actually was true. It made sense, but they couldn't find it in their box of memories.

"That was Mom." Hyunjin answered, just now waking up like he was never asleep. Jisung dropped him on the sidewalk, and the older stumbled a bit to regain his balance.

"Oh yeah! They thought she robbed a bank but in reality there was no bank robbery and it was just Mom drunk calling the police station to turn herself in for something she didn't do." Changbin recalled, and Jeongin just sighed.

Their mother had had five children with this other man, and she seemed genuinely happy from what they had seen. There was Yeji, Lia, Ryujin, Chaeryeong, and Yuna, and they actually went to the same school as the boys. The half siblings had only ever exchanged a few words together, but they certainly weren't hostile with them.

"Don't... 'member." Jeongin added, moving his tongue over his top row of braces.

"Yeah, I barely remember that too." Jisung said, but he really couldn't. He remembered Doyoung staying with them for a little bit, maybe a week, but that was it.

"Dad's home!" Hyunjin exclaimed as soon as they were close enough to their house to see his car in the driveway, and the boys all raced the rest of the distance to the house, causing Seungmin to whine. It wasn't often that he was home before them now, and they were all thinking something along the lines of family game night.

"S-sorry!" Jeongin stopped running and waited for his brother to catch up, and Minnie smiled. He wasn't terribly upset they had all ditched him, but it was a nice gesture made by the maknae.

The youngest two eventually joined their brothers in the house, and Chan gave both of them a hug. Food was cooking on the stove, and the boys would be lying if they didn't miss coming home to food already made.

"Where's Min? I thought he'd be home."

"Nope. He's with Officer Jade as an intern right now." Chan sighed and grabbed his keys and coat.

"Where are you going?"

"I'm stealing Minho. Can you finish cooking? Thanks." He walked out of the house, and Jisung quickly ran after him.

"Hold on! I want to come too!"

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