Movie Day

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"What are you doing?" I quickly shuffled the divorce papers onto the bottom of the pile that I was working with and looked up at Minho.

"I'm trying to function as an adult. What's up?" He crawled up onto my bed next to me and sprawled out all over his mother's side.

"They're still watching a movie, but I'm bored. Can I call Mom?" Jisung and Hyunjin had fallen back asleep together once they had stopped crying, but after that it has just been a full on movie day. I wasn't going to stop them and make them go outside and play since I myself had way too much to sort out to watch them.

"I won't stop you." The six year old sat up and reached across me for my phone and he fumbled with it for a second before dialing her number and pressing the phone to his ear.

"Chris I don't have time for this!" I could hear her yell through the phone, and Min visibly flinched.

"Mom?" I could hear a bit more yelling on the other end, and I had to refrain from grabbing the phone and yelling at her for whatever she was telling him. He then placed the phone back down next to me and curled up into my side. I put my arm around my child and I could feel him start to shake.

"She didn't want to talk to me. Said if I really cared I would have come with her when she asked." Sniffles interrupted his sentences and I could feel my shirt getting wet as he buried himself further into me.

"I'm sorry this is happening. You boys were never supposed to go through this." I rubbed his back soothingly and set aside all of my work just to comfort him. I really never thought she would have yelled at him or else I would never have let him call her. At least now I know for later.

"Where Min hyung- oh." Jisung paused at my doorway, but once he realized his hyung was crying he quickly ran in and hugged him to the best of his ability. Minho then took himself away from me to hug his younger brother, and I didn't even realize the rest of the boys had come in with him.

"What are all of these pictures of houses for? We already have one." Changbin questioned as he held them up for me, and I sighed.

"You're right. We do have a house." I took the pieces of paper from the four year old and buried them underneath the divorce papers, but that only put my bills on top. I ended up just flipping the whole pile over so I couldn't read anything.

"Are we going to move?" Changbin asked, and I hesitated. There was no point in lying to him, but I didn't want their entire lives upside down all at once. This was supposed to be something for later. As in like a couple months from now.

"I was looking into a house that would cost less. With only my paycheck I can't keep up the payments and taxes on this one."

The kids were almost all frowning. Minho and Jisung now separated from their hug, so Felix took up the opportunity to lay across Min's lap.

"It won't be now, but definitely in the near future." Minho smiled and I looked at him skeptically.

"I don't care if we move. Everyone at my school is awful."

"That's not very nice to say."

"It's true!"

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