Chapter 4 -Unexpected news-

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Y/n's POV

"What do you want?" i asked. "Did soyeon want to send a message again? if so then forget it."

"No..." she looked away but kept her posture. i raised my left eyebrow in disbelief and she clicked her tongue. "Fine she did send a message."

"Then i don't want to know. please leave." i waved her off and put my head down again.

"She misses you y/n." i heard her say and i kept my head low not wanting to show any emotion to her or else she'll tell soyeon.

It was quiet and all i could hear was felix talking to someone and the rest of the class talking. i couldn't hear soyeon and thought maybe she left.

Soon the door opened and i sat up seeing my professor here and cl on the other side of my class staring at me. she looked away and looked forward as i did the same.

'Soyeon why?'


"As your bestfriend i demand an answer as to why you won't talk to soyeon." felix said as the bell rang indicated that classes are over.

"Just... reasons felix." i shrugged and put my books in my bag.

"Y/n~" he started to shake my arm like a little kid. i laughed and pushed him to stop.

"You know that doesn't work on me anymore right?" i said in english.

"You know i don't care right?" he also said in english making me laugh because of his korean accent.

"Come on i'll drive you back to yg's building." he offered making me smile brightly and walk side by side as we exit our school.

"How come your parents let you have a car when you can't even be free completely?"

"I don't know. my parents are protective ever since i was a kid. plus don't get all pity on me your sister is the same with you." he smirked and i pushed him playfully.

"You don't even want to tell me who your sister is y/n."

"That's because she doesn't want to reveal herself to my friends. another important reason." i smiled mockingly and he rolled hos eyes.

"Why not?? it's not like i'll flirt with her-"

"Don't you dare talk about my sister's love life right now." i pointed at him as we reached his car.

He laughed. "Arasseo arasseo." he got inside the drivers seat and i also went inside the passenger seat.


No one's POV

"Y/n where are you?" Jisoo asked through the phone as she walk inside y/n's practice room.

"Coming unnie geez." y/n said as she got out of felix's car and bid him goodbye.

"Hurry up i need to talk to you." Jisoo hung
up and tossed her phone on the couch walking around in circles.

y/n frowned and put her phone in her pocket and continued to walk down the halls of yg building. as soon as she got in front of her own studio, the door opened and y/n was pulled inside quickly.

Y/n stumbled inside almost trippin luckily jisoo had her hand around the collar of her shirt. jisoo closed the door and locked it.

"Unnie what-" before the younger can complain jisoo raised her pointer finger silencing her sister.

"Listen carefully and don't interrupt arraseo?" jisoo said and y/n sighed nodding. y/n crossed her arms waiting for jisoo to speak.

"Yg said you need to debut in less than two weeks."

Y/n's eyes widen and her arms dropped. she frowned and opened her mouth to speak but jisoo spoke first.

"Yes i know you're not ready but the company has been under too many scandals. when i came out to the public yg was beyond furious y/n. good thing it got solved. but when that scandal about hanbin oppa..." jisoo looked down in despair. she shook her head and continued to talk.

"And about jennie and kai's relationship 6 months ago is still going and the breakup is bad y/n. you don't have a choice i'm sorry."

Y/n looked down and sighed. her knees gave up and sat down the chair feeling drained.

"Is sajangnim even sure i'm ready?"

Jisoo simply smiled and sat beside y/n and patted her back, she side hugged her sister.

"You don't even need a choreographer y/n. you can do this."


"Aack! my best friend will debut in two weeks!" felix jumped up and down in y/n's bedroom and y/n could only stare at him.

"Such a dork you are felix." she pulled him to sit back down on the bed.

Jisoo had to practice for her peformance in the next two days so y/n and felix was the only one in the house.

"How come you can stay calm?! If i were you i would be overly excited!"

Y/n remained silent looking away feeling shy. she still hasn't overcome her fears in talking in front of thousand people.

"Y/n don't tell me you have stage fright?" he raised his left eyebrow and y/n nodded.

"Aigoo this girl. don't worry you'll nail it. fighting!" felix raised both of his hand and did a 'fighting' pose.

"Beside you are a great singer and a talented dancer. atleaat that's what my sister tells me when you and her are done in dance club."

Y/n rolled her eyes while felix keeps encouraging her.

Rachel- his sister has a little crush on y/n ever since felix introduced them together. y/n never had a crush on someone except her ex soyeon.

"Yah my sister keeps pestering me about you. when will you ask her out?"

"Felix! i don't have a crush on your sister. no offense she is beautiful but i can't." y/n laid down on her bed groaning and remembering about soyeon.

"Aish this kid. fine i'll tell my sister to back off... for now."

"Felix you are unbelievable." y/n rolled her eyes and felix just laughed.

Y/n's phone vibrated indicating someone texted her. she frowned and checked who it was.

Annyeong y/n! it's Nayeon by the way. i got your number from jisoo yesterday so no need to get creeped out. hope we'll be good friends arraseo? good luck debuting in two weeks fighting!

Y/n smiled and a blush crept from her cheeks getting it deep red.

"Yah why are you blushing!" Felix pointed out and y/n closed her phone glaring at felix.

"Did someone ask you out y/n!?" Felix gasp in shock. y/n got even more red and started to chase her bestfriend around her house.


Sorry for not updating hehe😅

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