chapter 10 -New friend-

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Y/n's POV

I pulled soyeon to the bathroom where luckily no one was inside. I locked the door behind me and faced her.

"What the fuck do you really want?" I asked her seriously and she didn't dare to meet my eyes.

"Y/n I really do miss yo-"

"Don't give me more lies. I'm sick of it soyeon." I stated and paced in front of her.

"I'm not lying! I do miss you. I regret what I did everyday and it pains me to see you happy." Her eyes were so full emotion that it pains me to see her this sad.

"It's not because you are famous now. I don't give a damn if you're an Idol now. What and who I want is you only." She held both my hands making me stop walking.

"So please, I'm begging you." She held my left cheek and brought her face close to mine. "Be mine again."

The power she's got ahold of me was really powerful. She didn't need to hold me to take control over me.

But the next thing she did was too much of a shock for me to process.

She kissed me passionately on the lips that brought me on edge. The way she kissed me not only confirmed that she still loves me, But this also confirmed that the feelings I had for her, which I thought we're gone, Is still in me.

But memories of her in a bed with a stranger hit me so suddenly that I pushed her off me. I breathed heavily and held my chest as my heart keeps beating fast.

"Y/n-" She walked towards me completely shocked and concern but I stopped her by lifting my palm.

"Don't... Come near me ever again." I spat and turned around leaving her again in the dark. No matter what I do she still has a special place in my heart.

I walked and walked until I reached my classroom. I was a bit early, despite a few encounters this morning.

"Hey you don't look okay." An unfamiliar girl beside me said. She seemed new.

"It's nothing. What's your name?" I asked in a friendly way and faced my attention to her.

"Shin Ryujin." She said and bowed her head.

I smiled at her acts. "I'm kim Y/n. Nice to meet you." I took out my hand for a handshake and she shook it with pleasure.

"I'm guessing you're new here? Probably in korea too?" I stated and she seemed a little shock.

"How did you know?" she asked and I chuckled smiling ear to ear.

"Lucky guess. Also the fact that you have an accent from the u.s.." I said and it was her turn to laugh."

"It was that obvious?" She asked and I nodded.


"You didn't tell me you were an idol." Ryujin whispered when me and felix and her were sat down in the cafeteria again.

I laughed. "You'd found out eventually anyways."

"It's still a huge coincidence that the first friend I made is famous." Ryujin said and felix laughed.

"Believe me she'll be world wide famous someday." Felix said in which ryujin definitely agreed, both of them high fived.

"Let's not think about that. Ryujin why did you transfer here?" I asked changing the subject.

"My mom is a doctor and she usually spends time in hospitals obviously, she would always volunteer to relocate to a new hospital just because she thought I wanted that. I never wanted to leave anything behind." She shrugged and I frowned.

"You didn't talk to her about this?" I asked cautiously and she shook her head.

"If I did she would feel guilty that she has been pulling her daughter from city to city without even asking her if it's alright to do so. Besides I'm happy that my mon finds happiness in moving. She's always so tired anyways and has a lot of things in her mind, I wouldn't want to be a problem too."

"Let's hope your mom decides to stay here because I like you already." Felix said and held out another hand for a high five.

I rolled my eyes at the two, they would be great friends.


Chaeyoung's POV

"I knew it!" I shouted and Dahyun held my mouth to keep me to shut up. I glared at her and pushed her arm away.

"Why didn't you tell anyone?!" I whispered angrily and Dahyun shook her head.

"Nobody can know about this chaeng! It's a secret and if this got out of this room you are dead." Dahyun unnie glared at me and pointed ber finger as if she was ready to kill me.

"Fine geez. Shall I atleast-"

"No." Was the reply I got. I just wanted to tell atleast Mina.

"Fine." I pouted like a child who couldn't get what she wants and walked away.

Though I appreciate Her honesty but when it was confirmed that she and y/n kissed it hurt me. A lot. I didn't expect to hurt me so much I got tears dripping down my cheeks. Was my feelings for y/n so legit that I had to cry? Or the thought of all the haters would start bashing unnie and y/n terrifies me.

I never really expect the two would start doing something. I bought y/n a gift, just a little something I should have given her the day she debuted. It was my own money and none of the members knew ofcourse.

I got her a little vintage camera that would print out a little polaroid. It was really cute when I saw it. I knew straight away y/n was going to love it because she likes taking pictures. The gift was hidden away under my bed for safe keeping. I never had the courage to give it to her. I'm like a kid who can't order meals on her own.

So I decided I would just give it to her casually. Like maybe she saw what I was holding and fell in love with that camera and just give it to her. But that would be too obvious and cliché. But yet again, I don't have any better ideas so I would do just that. Maybe someday when I get another free day I can ask y/n for a little shopping or eating.

Gosh she makes me crazy just my thinking of her.


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