Chapter 9 -Get back together-

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Chaeyoung's POV

I accidentally set my alarm wrong from 7 in the morning to 3 am. I was too sleepy to see the difference so I woke up not being able to sleep properly.

I remembered Our manager bought groceries and saw a carton of milk in one of the paper bags (A/n- Don't use plastic, save the turtles🤣). I stood up and left my room carefully trying my best not to wake up Tzuyu. I saw Dahyun unnie's bed empty and also her stuff were not there like her phone and bag.

"That's weird..." I whispered and walked out my room to go to the kitchen for some milk.

I saw our fridge full and I immidiately saw the milk. I took it out and pour it on my glass to set it in the microwave for a minute.

I leaned on the kitchen counter rubbing my eyes like a kid. It's always been my hobby and I can't stop it.

I heard a car pulling from the driveway. That's weird. It's 3 am and there isn't suppose to be cars driving in our neighborhood. I checked the window in the living room to see Dahyun unnie in the passenger seat with a smile on her face.

I wanted to get out there and ask her why is she only coming home at this hour. But when she leaned a little bit aback I saw the person she was with and I felt an unfamiliar heartache. Seeing both of them at this hour was uncomfortable and I couldn't bare to watch.

Dahyun leaned and kissed Y/n on the cheek and earned a gasp from me. I covered my mouth because of the loudness I made probably waking up everyone. I ran back to the kitchen and got my milk. I turned off the lights and ran back to my room, trying my best not to spill some of the milk.

I put the milk on my side table and immidiately lay and act like I was asleep by covering my body with the blanket and closing my eyes.

The door opened slowly and carefully but the lights were on at the hallway so it hit my face. I opened my eyes acting like I woke up from the brightness of the room I saw Dahyun unnie smiling ear to ear. But her smile dropped when she saw me.

"Unnie...? Did you just got home?" I asked my voice groggily acted and dahyun looked flushed.

"I uh... Yeah... Got caught up with a friend. Sleep now chaeng." She said and closed the door making the bedroom pitch black again.

I turned the other direction, facing the wall.

'Are Dahyun unnie and Y/n dating? If so, then why am I hurting?'


Y/n's POV

"unnie! I did a bad thing!" I shouted in her room. It was 6 in the morning and memories of last night came back making me so confused and nervous.

Jisoo was still sleeping and when she heard me shouting she groaned and threw me a pillow. I caught it and threw it back making her sit down.

"Ya! I'm sleeping..." Jisoo said her body giving out again and laid down back on the bed.

"I kissed dahyun..." I blurted out and my sister's eyes shot open and sat down back again.

"Y/n it's not even a month you're already flirting." Jisoo said and I cursed her in another language But I taught her some of it so she understood.

"Don't bad mouth me it's early." Jisoo warned me and I sighed covering my face with both my hands.

"What the hell did I do?" I murmered and kept blurting out curse words.

"Yah! stop cursing for a second will you? Just go to school and maybe you will forget about it. If not then you seriously need to talk to Dahyun about that. Now leave my room and go to school."

"U-Unnie!" Y/n shouted but Jisoo fell back asleep as if the news she said was not entertaining.

"Mygod unnie." Y/n whispered and walked out her room.

"What am I going to do?" I said to myself and went straight to the shower.


"Hey- Whoa what happened to you?" Felix asked as he saw me.

"What?" I asked and he showed me a mirror.

"Your make up is a mess. Come on i'll fix it." He led me to the cafeteria which no one was still here thank god.

"You always have the perfect make up y/n~ssi what happened?" Felix asked as he took the make up kit I always brought with me out my bag.

"Nothing." I shrugged and he looked at me, gesturing for me to spill.

"I kissed someone last night." I blurted out and he gasp and almost ruined my lipstick.

"Sorry, You what?!" He shouted but luckily no one was here.

"You heard it."

"Who was it?" He asked curiously and I raised an eyebrow at him.

"I'm not telling you obviously but she's a close friend." I said and felix smirked at me.

"How close though- Ow! Okay I'll stop." I punched him on the arm.

"Hey." Soyeon appeared behind felix making him uncomfortable.

"I'll leave you two to talk." He said and left with my makeup. That son of a-

"Y/n..." Soyeon called out for me and I looked at her unfazed.

"what is it?" I asked and she held my hand.

"Can we just go back to how things were?"


Weren't expecting an update huh?

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