"I found a stray"

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Normani peered around Dinah's shoulder with a smirk.

"Why hello there." she smiled deviously

"What were you guys doing in there?" Normani's smirk was getting on Lauren's nerves. She felt a flush of embarrassment as she burst up and out of the closet, pacing the room as dragging her fingers through her dark locks.

"We thought we heard something..." Camila's voice was tiny as she followed her up and stared at the ground, red-faced. When she had woken up this morning, this isn't exactly how she envisioned her day to go. She was so embarrassed, with the girls and with Lauren. Especially with Lauren, as she watched the other girl's reaction to being almost caught. But they were just so close. It made her heart race to even think about it.

"Aww, you're a puppy." Normani smiled, seeing the adorableness Camila was displaying and wrapping her arms around the smaller girl. This made Camila pout in even more embarrassment as she watched the lone wolf, who was avoiding her gaze. She felt herself flush with nerves, the thought that Lauren was disgusted by her made a sick feeling invade her stomach.

"So you decided to hide in a closet? A little symbolic, not?" Dinah smirked at the green-eyed girl as her face flushed as well, completely oblivious to the rush of emotions flowing through the two girls.

Lauren said nothing, feeling her natural instinct to keep silent taking a hold of her. She could feel those brown eyes watching her, but she wouldn't let herself look back. What was she thinking? She couldn't afford to have someone else to lose, yet here she was; already completely attached. And what was she just about to do? She'd completely lost her mind; literally. 

She just didn't know what to do after all that. 


Lauren was about to do something, although she hadn't decided what that something was, before she suddenly heard a small noise. Almost unrecognizable, but it was there. Lauren had developed her hearing to a maximum degree due to her previous lack of sight. Her hearing was impeccable, so she found herself walking slowly out of the room and into the one next door.

Camila's eyes followed her all the way as Normani's arms encircled her, and found her feelings hitting an all time low as she watched the girl leave the room without even a glance in her direction. Normani and Dinah saw the look of hurt cross the cute wolf's face and frowned. Dinah felt a slight annoyance to the lone wolf hurting her alpha's feelings. Who the fuck did she think she was to hurt her alpha's feelings? She was about to go all beatdown on her ass, but she was suddenly cut off before she got the chance.

"Hey, Mani!" they all snapped their heads to the door.

Even though it was Normani that Lauren called, it was Camila that was first to rush into the next room to find Lauren standing next to a dresser in the wall. She leaned on one leg, an annoyed expression on her face as the other two girls followed. Camila momentarily panicked, thinking it was her that Lauren was annoyed with, but grew confused when the green-eyes didn't even look at her. Camila's heart dropped in her chest, like it was plummeting from a cliff dive.

"Yeah, Lauren?" Normani eyed her cautiously, finding it strange to hear the girl speak so freely. 

Something was up.

"How much do you like this dresser?" Lauren asked, confusing the three girls standing in the doorway as she waited impatiently for them to keep up. Camila watched especially attentively, not wanting to miss a thing Lauren did. Everything the green eyed girl did was like a sacred thing to watch for the smaller alpha, even if she wasn't exactly sure where she stood when it came to her love.

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