"How About We Raise Our Own Kind Of Hell?"

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Panic. An emotion Lauren had never truly experienced until the day she had woken up without Camila by her side.

It was the middle of the night, one minute to midnight to be exact, and Lauren's bed ran cold beside her in the absence of the alpha that was meant to be sleeping.

But was horrifically absent.

A rushed and frantic search around the room and it was confirmed. Camila wasn't there. Lauren ran her hands through her hair, a nervous habit, and looked out the window for a mere second before sprinting out the door.

The moon was a bloody and shining red, open and ready for the world to see.

Something was definitely wrong.


Lauren screamed. And because Lauren screamed, everyone listened. Because Lauren screamed... everyone knew it was because of Camila.

Lauren never screamed.

"What's going on?" Zayn asked, deadly calm at Lauren's side as she stormed into the werewolve's bedroom, looking for any sign of hope that the alpha was there. After all these nights of nightmares, screaming, panicking... the thought of Camila having to do that on her own did not sit well with the lone wolf.

The wolves were all up immediately, scrambling over each other hastily as they shook themselves awake. Lauren was glad they took this as seriously as she did, but that was still no consolation if the alpha was nowhere in sight.

Lauren couldn't find her scent anywhere.

She said nothing as the wolves asked their annoying questions, like they always did. And Lauren did her best to ignore the unfamiliar vampires standing outside the crowded room, instead opting to storm over to their window to rip the blinds open.

Her eyes glowed a furiously bright green at all of them, bright enough to make them flinch, to leave black spots swimming across their vision when they closed their eyes.

And in came that bloody red ray of light, as gloomy and evil-looking as a lazer pointer of a sniper.

"Camila's gone."

And that was all it took for panic to erupt.

"What THE FUCK is that!?!"

"How is that even-"

"Where would even find s-"

"What do we-"


It was Dinah that screamed it, louder than anyone in the room. And suddenly the entire house was awake. Every vampire, witch, werewolf or other, there to know what was going on.

"She's gone." Was all Lauren could reply, standing rigid by the window, like a snake about to pounce. The way she stared at the floor was like she was afraid that she would attack anyone in her path... knowing the past version of her, she probably would have.

But knowing the new her... she didn't exactly want to anymore.

"What do you mean, she's gone!?" Cole screamed, waving his arms around frantically to display his frustration. He was always so impatient. "Is this some magic trick? Like poof, off goes the werewolf, or some shit?! What the fuck do you mean 'she's gone'?!"

Lauren looked at him, a fiercely outraged gleam in her eye. The girl was on edge, and that combined with Cole's impulsive nature was not a good mix. Zayn couldn't intervene in time. The look in her eye... it was like something inside of her had snapped.

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