"Lauren"- The Second Battle: Part 1

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I apologize in advance lol.


Isolation was a powerful weapon, enough to break even the most joyous of souls into the depths of a deep, unyielding depression.

Camila had lost most of her will to live. And I say most on purpose, because she could never lose it all. No. She knew she had too much to live for. But... in that state. In that prison... it was hard to keep that in mind.

If Camila wasn't such a persistent person by nature, she surely would have let go by now. The bitterness that seemed to seep through the walls was sickening enough to make you want to constantly throw up.

She found herself constantly wondering how Lauren had gone through this for such a long time. How could someone survive in such a literal hell of a place.

But then she remembered that... at least Lauren wasn't alone. Lauren had Shawn, and although she had previously had mixed feelings about that... now she was just glad.

And no matter how much things sucked for her at that moment... that thought let her mind rest a little. The consolation that Lauren was okay right now, that let her panic slide for at least a moment's worth of mental peace.

Lauren had someone... and she didn't. Camila knew this was reason enough to just give up.

But she knew she couldn't. No. That wasn't an option. Lauren was her someone, and she had people out there. Her people. Her family. And if she had even the tiniest chance of seeing them again... she would do it.

For them.

For Lauren.

She would fight til the bitter end, endure as much torture as it took, and fight as many people as she had to. Even if they weren't really... well, people.

Camila sat frozen solid in that prison, the constant drip from the storm drain echoing across the chamber slowly driving her to insanity. The smell constricted her breathing, but she had quickly adapted to the fistfuls of oxygen she had to inhale in order to catch a proper breath.

She was still in the same position, but had long since stopped screaming. She knew it would benefit nothing. No, she needed to preserve her energy for when... when they finally came.

She had plan after plan already sorted out in her head, had thought of every option she could possibly have. She thought of everything, even though she knew it was pointless. There was no way she was getting out of here without backup, and she was all too aware of that.

But she had time. And in time with nothing to do, the brain came up with many figments to occupy itself.

Camila thought of multiple tactics, ranging from the element of surprise, to charming her way out of there, and all the way to brute force. But then she looked around, and the reality of her situation hit all too soon.

She remembered the last time they had fought those monsters, the brute strength they easily possessed... she thought of Lauren then, and her mind automatically admired her love's sheer power. Lauren was everything she had ever needed, everything she had ever dreamed of.

And suddenly she was feeling the distance like the space between the moon and the stars.

That longing had never really left her, even when Lauren was nearby enough. Camila always felt it like a tug of a string pulling her, and it always ended at Lauren's side.

Camila was surprised to find a small smile grace her lips, considering where she was. But she knew she shouldn't have been surprised. Anything that had to do with Lauren made her feel better. Her mind often wandered there to look on any kind of bright side. And, although it would have been better if Lauren was there...

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