Maybe not gay?

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Harry Potter

Walking towards class I notice that Hermione looks around anxiously. As she catches my gaze she gives me a soft smile and motions towards the still closed classroom door. A large group of Slytherins in front of it. "Why isn't the Professor here yet? It's already-" she struggles to get her watch and looks at the time, eyebrows furrowerd. "-9:33" class should have started 3 minutes ago!"

"Relax Mione, Slughorn is probably just late or something?" The red head speaks up and grabs Hermione's hand to reassure her. She still looks nervous and I laugh, I haven't done that in a while...

Just then the Porfessor turns around the corner and Greets us. "Harry, hermione and Weasel of course!" He gives us a cheerful smile and I hear Ron make a noise of disapproval. "Come in, come in, you're early!"

The whole group of slytherins grumble and push past the Trio to get into the Classroom Earlier. Just then I catch a glimps of Malfoy, or shall I say Draco. He gives me A soft smile and I smile back. Seven*.

I sit down next to ron but he Gives me a look, a look that I know all too well and I roll my eyes. "Fine." I chuckly and move out of the way so Ron can sit next to Hermione. I smile as she sits down and Ron gives me a gratefull smile. I sit down in the back and pray to the lords above that no one sits next to me.

I spent the Whole class looking at malfoy. He avoided my gaze.


After Class I run into Ginny and I smile. "Hey Gin, how are you? Haven't talked to you in a while!" She chuckles and begins to explain that she and Luna were working on a project together so she hadn't had much time to talk to her friends.

"It's fine really!!" I assure her as she begins to rant about how sorry she is. "I have time now though, we can catch up if you want?" I smile at her offer and Accept it. "That would be great actually, i do need soms advice from an expert!" She gives me a strange look, not understanding yet.

We walk towards a bench just outside the gates, it's a short and quiet walk. She grins at me. "I know what you mean by expert, you want some advice on quidditch from the real Pro don't you?" I gast fake shocked and I laugh. She grins at me and soon we're laughing. "Oh come on you and I both know that I am the better player between us two!"

"Yeah yeah, you keep thinking that." She rolls her eyes as if irritated and she laughs, i grin and soon the laughter dies down.

"What I actually meant by expert was-" "oh! You're gay aren't you?" My eyes widen, was it THAT obvious? "What how-" "Harry I am the only lesbian in this whole goddamn school, if it's about gayness people usually come to me."

I sigh relieved. "Okay, i'm not sure if i'm gay- i've been thinking but there was a time where I actually liked Cho, and even you." She nods understanding, "you know there's more than just 'gay' and 'straight' right?"

I look confused at her, what does she mean? Some kind of in between? "Oh yeah, you have loads of sexualities! But if I'm listening to you I would say you're Bisexual!" "Bi- what?" She chuckles and I look at her, what the fuck does she mean? "It means you like both!"

I frown, I really didn't know that was a thing to be honest- i think she's right, when I think about it now it all makes sense! "Wait- I think you're right!" I smile and quickly wrap my arms arround her. She laughs and I let go, this explains so much! I breathe in slowly and It finally feels like I can get air again, after all those days doubting, I finally know now.

"Thank you so much for helping me gin, also- would you mind not telling Anyone? Please?" "Harry of course, this is your thing to tell and I wouldn't even think about telling anyone!"

I smile. "Thank you."


Word count: 712


Hi guys!! Geuss who's back? I'll be updating the story again, i think I'll post one chapter a week. I really don't have anything else to do cause we're in quarantine, so the chapters will also be a lot longer!



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