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        I watched as Councilam Tarlok addressed the council. He's going to get us all killed. "There is a madman running around our beloved city, threatening to tear it apart. We need to create task force whose sole mission is to find Amon and bring him to justice." He said. 

        I sighed. "Absolutely not! A move so aggressive will only further divide benders and non-benders." Tenzin said. 

        "Tarlok, I  kind of agree with your proposal, but who would even head up such a task force?" Somebody asked.

        "It would be my honor, and privilege to accept such a duty." He said.

       I glared at him. "This is just another one of your ploys to gain more power, isn't it?" I asked.

        "All I'm trying to do is help! Think back Forty two years ago, Republic City was threatened by another dangerous man." He said. 

        "Yukon." I said unhappily. 

       "Your father wasn't afraid to deal with him head on." Tarlok said. 

       "This is a completely different situation, and how dare you compare yourself to Avatar Aang?" Tenzin demanded.

         "Amon is not going to stop with the Bending Triads. Eventually, he will come for all us, benders. Our friends, our families Vote for this task force, and I will stop Amon Before it's too late. All in favor?" Tarlok asked. The only ones who didn't raise their hands were Tenzin and I. Tenzin was against it, and I have no say in the matter. I can only put forth my opinion.

         I sighed unhappily as I thought about the meeting. I was sitting in a tea shop reading a book. Korra was supposed to meet me here, but I think she forgot. "Good evening, my fellow Equalists." I heard on the radio. 

        "This is your leader, Amon. As you have heard, the Republic Council has voted to make me public enemy number one Proving once again that the bending oppressors of this city will stop at nothing to quash our revolution But we cannot be stopped." I shivered, I know he cannot be stopped. 

        "Our numbers grow stronger by the day. You no longer have to live in fear The time has come for benders to experience fear." Then it ended. 

        I sighed and paid for my tea and walked out. I saw Mako in the distance, I was about to walk towards him when he got hit by a bike of sorts. I bit back a laugh when he started yelling at the driver and then he stopped stunned once he realized it was a very pretty woman. 

        "Are you okay? Did I hurt you? Oh, I'm such an idiot!" She said. I looked at her closely, Asami Sato. I met her when I first arrived she showed me around the city. But we've both been so busy that we haven't been able to meet up. She's a really nice girl, she and Mako ook cute together.

         "Don't worry, I'm fine! My brother hits me harder than that, every day in practice." Mako said.

       Well if he's not hurt I'll take my leave. "Wait, I recognize you. You're Mako, right? You play for the Fire Ferrets!" After Asami said that I left and made my way back home.

        I sat next to Korra as Tenzin prayed. "We are grateful for this delicious food, for our happiness, for our compassion and…" Then the door opened and in walked Tarlok.

        "I'm not interrupting Am I?" He asked.

        I glared at him as Tenzin spoke up. "This is my home, Tarlok! We're about to eat dinner." 

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