I am Dead.

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I am sorry that I did this to you

Living with an unbearable aftermath

but I couldn't take it any longer, as the idea of death relieved me

and I thought I could be as happy I could be

I hope this last letter is a token that you can use for reassurance

But yet again, this is telling you that I took my own life

because I wasn't happy, I was losing a battle I knew I could never win

I would have ended up more heart-torn later on if I had stayed

I miss you in ineffable ways, and my heart strings are already in shreds

as you lie alone cold in bed

but know that I am no longer thinking or feeling that I need to release all the pain through a blade

I don't have to anymore, and I know my death is a selfish one

that can't be unwritten or undone

Just know that this is my life now, being dead, I have never felt more at ease

and I know the real world wasn't suited for me.


This is a letter I made about suicide. It is a triggering subject, and indeed very saddening. I am not trying to encourage suicide, but rather display the mind of someone who feels the need that taking their own life is the only way. I personally don't believe in suicide, and I am always so saddened when people do this. If you ever need anything, talk to me. I will listen not to respond, but to hope to understand. If you ever feel suicidal, call or tell anyone. It doesn't have to be me, but ANYONE. I want you to know, that whoever is reading this or not, that YOU have a reserved, special purpose on this Earth. My next poem will be from the perspective of the person whose friend committed suicide.

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