Friends opinions of him

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Caroline thinks it's great that you both finally confessed your feelings for each other and asked to be the maid of honour at your wedding.
Stefan didn't really care who you dated as long as you were happy but didn't really like the fact that you choose Matt.

Elena wasn't too happy with you two dating when it started but eventually, she got used to it and is happy that you and her brother are happy.
Tyler didn't really like that you were dating Jeremy but eventually accepted it and stopped trying to get you to leave him for someone else.

Hayley was happy when she heard you were dating a guy and thinks Tyler is great for you.
Jeremy thinks it's cool that you found someone that loves you and that you love back and hopes that you two can make it work but he would have been happier if it was someone else.

Bonnie thinks Stefan is good for you.
Enzo doesn't really trust Stefan around you but after he gets to know Stefan a bit better he decides he isn't such a bad guy and that you two being together might not be the worst thing for you.

Vicky hated him, thought he was hot but a bad guy.
Matt hates it, he constantly worries that you've been hurt or that you're going to get hurt and that he is just using you.

Nora never meets him but thinks he sounds like a great guy.
Alaric doesn't like it at all, especially after what Jo has told him about her brother Kai, he wishes that you'd listen to him and leave before you get hurt.

Anna never gets the chance to meet Enzo but she would have liked him.
Klaus isn't a fan of Enzo but doesn't hate him as much as he hates most people which is a start.

Well, Jo was going to marry him so I'd say she loves him.
Kai doesn't really care who you date but is happy that you're happy.

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