When he hurts you

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He gives you space, he doesn't want to get hurt. But if he realises that what he did was wrong he will make it up to you by putting on your favourite movie and getting your favourite snacks and cuddling with you.

He gives you space and goes out and buys you some chocolate (or another sweet thing you like) and gives it to you and tells you how sorry he is before hugging you.

He takes you for a long drive through the woods with your favourite music playing and then you'll stop at a pretty spot and sit on the grass and talk through the problems.

He takes you to any place you want to go to make up for it and constantly says sorry.

He hugs you and plays with your hair while telling you he's sorry and loves you so much.

He sets up a bubble bath and puts on your favourite music and tells you he loves you and didn't mean to hurt you.

He gives you some space and writes you a letter to tell you that he is sorry and that he will be back soon. When he comes back he has something that you have been wanting for a while whether it is a new book, phone, tablet, laptop, iPad, drawing equipment, stationery, music, clothes, makeup, musical instruments etc.


He buys all the food you've been craving and binge watches your favourite show with you and when it finishes he says he's sorry.

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