I'm Fine.

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Brooke Lynn's POV:

I sat in the cold pouring water; my knees tightly curled up against my chest. My usually racing mind was blank, I felt empty and weak.

"Brooke Lynn?" a soft tap at the door. "Are you okay?"

"I'm fine, mom." My voice was hoarse.

"I have to go to work early today, so I will see you after school! Also, get ready because I don't want you to be late on your first day back. Love you!"

I let out a sigh. I turned the shower off and climbed out. I stood, naked, in front of the mirror, examining my body. My skin was paler than usual, my body and face looked like skin and bone. I was taken back to my time at the retreat, how they starved me every time I tried to defy their beliefs. Quickly, I wrapped a towel around me and went to my bedroom. I laid down on my bed, not bothering to get dressed. Silence and nothingness. It was comforting for some reason.

The thought of skipping school sat in my mind, but I was already behind on my work. I needed to go. With very little will, I rolled off the bed and got ready.

As I walked down the hall, whispers filled my ears, but I didn't care. As I shut my locker, a small girl popped from behind the door. "Is it true you went to conversion?"

I just stared blankly. As I looked up searching for an answer, I saw her. My eyes locked onto Vanessa. I started to walk towards her as if my body was being pulled by an almost unknown force. Overwhelmed, I ran to the bathroom and locked myself in a stall. I clung to my books for dear life, it felt like I couldn't breathe. I squeezed my eyes shut, waiting for the moment to pass. "it's going to be okay." I told myself, even though it was a lie. Slowly, my breath got back to normal, everything seemed to calm down. Feeling better, I walked to class.

"Ah! Brooke Lynn! Good to see you." Mr. Perez, my English teacher, welcomed me enthusiastically, "I've changed the room around a little. You're now sat next to Owen." He pointed to the messy haired blond boy at the back of the room. I remembered him, he was on the football team and he used to hang out with us when I was friends with Morgan and Tatiana. He was probably a complete and utter douche just like the rest of them. I went and sat down next to him.

It was only 15 minutes into the class, and I had already zoned out.

"Hey. Hey! Earth to blondie!"

I frowned at the boy next to me, waiting for some sort of smart-ass remark from him. I'm sure he'd heard the rumors by now. To my surprise, he asked "are you ok? I noticed you were just staring at your book instead of writing."

I stared at him dumbfounded. I didn't know how to process the question. It was the first time anyone other than my mom had asked if I was okay.

"Uhh hello?" Owan raised an eyebrow.

"Umm, I-I don't, um," I stuttered.

"You know what, it's fine. You don't have to answer the question, but if you ever need someone to talk to, come find me." He smiled, and I managed to nod and give a small smile back.

I literally owe my whole life to shesmortale

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