chapter 2

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My stomach was in knotts when I saw him walk him take a seat next to me. He turned his head looked right in my eyes and I was locked in my brown eyes were like a bliss like you could fall into them and you never want to come out them. He turned his head from me I kept looking at him. I noticed he had brown curly,wavy broen hair that fited his face perfectly. He was beautiful compared to me. I had black hair, blue eyes, I was fat,and I was ugly,but him no. I just hope he doesn't think I'm a freak.

Vic's P.O.V

I awoke to the sound of my alarm clock it was so annoying, but I woke up anyway. I couldn't think right see I'm going to a new school because some bad things and I mean BAD THINGS happened that I don't like to talk about. My brother and walked out the door and were on our way ro school when I noticed a boy who was so beautiful walking also.I kept my distance from him but I did notice that he was wearing all long things so no skin was showing. I looked down at my feet until we made it to school. Both Mike and I walked into the guidence office to get our classes and locker numbers and combination. Once we were out Mike and I were on our own way. I see that I have english next period since it's only 8:15 in the morning. I hear the bell ring and it was time for English I see first period is S.S I walk into English and see no one has come yet so I take a seat in the back and just wait until I see him. The boy who was walking in front of us. He sat down and looked at me and I looked at him he had the most gorgeous blue-hazel eyes. I look down and I hope I don't fall for him because all that will happen is my heart will be broken yet again.

so that's done yay so comment if you want me to contiune it!!?? so yeah<3

Hold On Till May---&gt;KellicWhere stories live. Discover now