Chapter 1

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I wave goodbye to father as me and my brother, Cedric, get on the train so we can go back to Hogwarts. The lovely school for Witches and Wizards alike. I put all our things above us and sit in one of the compartments seats across from my brother. After a little silence and the train still waiting for everyone else, Cedric's friends find him. When they enter, they glare at me since I was a Slytherin. I look over at Cedric who was just looking down, I sigh and I leave, taking my things with me. 

I look in all the compartments and see that they all were full, except for one, were a boy with brown hair sat. His name? Neville Longbottom, a fairly shy Gryffindor, but excellent at Herbology, and he was quite cute. I knock on the compartment and open it. When he looks up he looks slightly scared, as if I would hurt him. I smile sweetly at him. "Hello. D-Do you mind if I sit here? Everywhere else is f-full." I stutter out.

I'm not like your any normal Slytherin, really, I'm the complete opposite. I'm really shy and I hate to hurt others, I'm not cunning and I am Definitely not a leader! I usually punch Malfoy if he makes fun of anyone I know, yet most people still hate me. Nevill nods slightly and I sit across from him. "You're Neville Longbottom, correct?" I asked in sweat but hushed tone. He nodded.

"And you're Cedric's sister, (Y/n) Diggory, right?" I just smile and nod. He smiled at me.

"So, I hear you're really good at Herbology. I like it, just can't say I'm good at it." I said trying to start a conversation. And I succeed. We started to talk about our favorite types of plants. Then it changes. "The only class that I really like and that I'm good at is Potions, yet Snape doesn't like me that much," I said slightly giggling. before he could respond, the trained stopped. "W-well that's odd, we don't stop unless we're there, we aren't there yet, are we?" I look out the compartment door and see Hermione. We look at each other and we both gave the look like 'Do you know  what's going on?' We got back into our own compartment and I sit back down,  then the lights go out.

"Ok, this is getting freaky. I hate the darkness! Is there a serial killer out there or something? If not, what the hell?" I said starting get really cold. I knew I should have taken Cedric's sweater. Then something passe the door, I felt like everything happy within me was taken and I felt empty and sad. I felt like I was on the verge of tears, but I saw a  white light and I felt better. The lights turned back on and the train starts up again. I look over at Neville and see that he was looking down. I put a hand on his shoulder and smile at him. He looks up at me and smiles as well. We don't say anything and its silent. Not a bad silent, but a comforting silence.

After a while I see Hogwarts and I go and get ready by getting my uniform on. I come back and see Neville already changed, I smiled at him and he just stares at me. My smile fades as I think he's wishing he never sat with me. "You know," He starts. "You don't seem like a Slytherin, not at all," he said. I just nodded. "Well, I hope we can become friends."  

"I do too, Neville." I smile as the trains stop and I get my things.

I step off the train and onto the grounds of Hogwarts. The nice fresh dirt under my feet feels like a pillow or a cloud. I smile to myself as I run to the bouts. I love being at Hogwarts. With all my friends and family. Well, with my few friends, and one family member. Anyways, I sit in one of the bouts as it rocked back and forth as we floated towards our destination, Cedric was across from me. "You excited for this year?"  I just shrugged. And I really don't know. "I saw you sit with Neville." He said.

"I swear to god if you're going all brotherly protective on me-"

"And what's wrong with me being protective of you?" 

"Because you aren't when you're friends glare at me and shout insults at me, saying I'm a disgrace, and I shouldn't be a Diggory, or when they dumped that butterbeer on my head in the first year, or when they-"

"Ok. I get it, I'm not a good brother." He said.

"I never said that Ced, I'm saying that you need to at least tell them off, or say that it isn't right for them to do that, I'm your sister for crying out loud, not some bloody stranger that is in your life! You should be the one standing up for me, not Harry, Hermione, or Ron. That's you're a job, and it is also mine if someone is being mean to you, that's what siblings are for. They are there for each other when the other needs saving." I said putting a hand on his shoulder and smiled.

"You really aren't a Slytherin." I just shrug and smile.

After the ride, we get off and I run to Hogwarts, Ced behind me. When we both walk inside I look around. Every year I still find something new that amazes me. I bid farewell to my brother and sit at the Slytherin table, the area that is in the middle. Pansy Parkinson sits next to me. She is one of the only Slytherins that are nice to me. We have so much in common, besides the liking Draco Malfoy bit, but she does let me hit him if he's being a dumbass. People think that she is ugly. To be honest, I find her rather pretty.


After a while, the people that were up there that were singing finally stopped and everyone clapped. Headmaster Dumbledore steps up to the podium of shiny gold and speaks.

"Welcome Welcome, to yet another year at Hogwarts! Now I would like to say a few words before we start our excellent feast. First, we are pleased to welcome Professor R.J. Lupin, who has kindly consented to fill the post of Defence Against the Dark Arts Teacher! Good luck Professor." He said as everyone started to clap. A man in a brown coat stood up, his hair was shaggy and he had one of those English Mustaches. 

"Potter!" I heard, I looked in front of me and saw Malfoy. "Potter, is it true you fainted?" His friend next to him pretend fainted, I started to glare at him. "Like, actually fainted?" 

"Shove off Malfoy," Ron said to him. I kicked  Malfoy from under the table. He looked at me and sent me a glare, I sent him one back. 

"-Has decided to retire to be able to spend more time, with his remaining limbs. Fortunately, I am excited to announce that his place will be taken, by none other than our own, Rubeus Hagrid." everyone clapped, except for most of the Slytherins, typical... But I clapped. Hagrid is the best, I'm so excited for him to be a Professor, and a Professor of mine too! "Finally, as a request of  the ministry of magic, Hogwarts will, until further notice, Play host with the dementors  of Azkaban." 'What!? Do they want us to die!?' "Until Serius Black is captured, they will be stationed at every entrance of the ground, and while I have been assured that their presence will not disrupt our day to day activities, a word of caution. Dementors are viscous creaturs, they will not distinguish between the one they hunt and the one who gets in there way. Therefore, I must warn, each and every one of you, give them no reason to harm you. It is not in the nature of a dementor to be forgiving. But you know, Happiness can be found even in the darkest of times," He waves his hand and one of the candles that were on the stand goes out. "If  one only remembers to turn on the lights." He waves his hand and the candle is relit. 

I sit there, a little scared. But I brush it off as we have been given time to eat! Even when I'm scared, Food is always there for me. I eat and finally we are able to leave and go to our rooms.  "Follow me!" out Prefect said as they walk off and down the hall to the dungeons, where the Slytherin common room is. Once I open the door, I see Pansy and two other girls I don't know. 

"Hey, Pansy. I'm happy were roommates."

"Me too." She said while smiling. The two girls walk up to me, they looked identical, twins.

"Hello." They said in unison. "I'm Lilly Anderson"

"And I'm Lavender Anderson." They both hold out their hands for me to shake. "We just started this year,"

"Kinda uncommon, we know-"

"But it was for good reason!" They said switching off each other's sentences, kinda like George and Fred. I just smiled and nodded my head. We all got into our Pajamas and got into bed. 

"Good night guys! See you  in the morning." I said as I drifted off into a soundless sleep.

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