Chapter 2

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I got up and noticed that the other 3 were still asleep, I giggle to myself and I get dressed for the day in my uniform.

I got up and noticed that the other 3 were still asleep, I giggle to myself and I get dressed for the day in my uniform

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I look at myself in the mirror and nod approvingly. I take a deep breath and walk out the door and down to the Slytherin common room and down to breakfast. After breakfast, I go to divination,  One of my favorite classes. I walk inside and see Ron and Harry already there, I was about to sit with them until I noticed Neville. I take a deep breath and walk up towards him and sit down. He looks at me confused. I just smile at him. 

"Not to be rude at all, but why are you sitting here? Don't you have any Slytherin friends?" I laugh at that and he looks confused.  

"None of the Slytherin people like me at all! Only 3 of them do and they aren't even in here, I'm the only Slytherin. Apparently, There were 'too many Slytherins' In that class, so they put me in here. I feel so out of place." He just nodded. "So... Can I sit here?" I asked.

"O-Of course you can!" He said.

"Thank you," I said as the teacher walked into the classroom.

"Welcome, My children, In this room, you shall explore the art of divination! In this room, you shall discover that you possess the sight!" She says as she runs into the table that was in front of her. 'So much for her sight.' "My name is Professor Trelawney, and together we shall cast ourselves into the future!" She said with the most excited face I have seen in years!  "This time we shall be focusing on Tasseography, which is the art of Reading Tea Leaves. Now, please pick up the cup of the person sitting opposite you." When she said what I reached over and took Nevills cup and he did the same with mine. 

"You see? The truth lies deep within a book, waiting to be read, but first, you  must broaden your minds." She said this while placing her hands on Finnigan's head. I snorted at this. "First, you must  look beyond." I was laughing a bit at this. "You boy!" She said to Neville while walking up to him.  "Is your grandma well?"

"I think so." He said.

"I wouldn't be so sure of that."  What the fuck? "Give me the cup." I handed her his cup. She looked into it for a split second and then her face went sour. She set the cup back down and Neville instantly took it and looked at it. I looked at the book. "Broaden your minds!" She looked at Ron. "Oh my! You're aura is pulsing, dear! Are you in the beyond?! I think you are!" 'And I think you are... Insane!' I thought in my head as I rolled my eyes. 

"Sure," Ron said.

"Good, tell us what you see."

"Oh, well, uh, Harry's got a sort of a wonky cross, that's childhood suffering. And that there could be the sun, which  means happiness, so, you're going to suffer, but you're going to be happy about it." I start laughing again, this is priceless! Nevill looks over at me and I smile at him. He looks away and I could see a faint bit of pink dusted on his cheeks. 

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