Chapter 12

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Whenever jungkook was stepped into
his apartment,there jimin who was waited for him behind the door silently,slowly backhugged him and
welcoming him sweetly"welcome home.."telled jimin while gently lean a kiss on jungkook's neck but jungkook just keep silent and head down.

Slowly jimin's hand was trailed down
to jungkook's belt,unbucked it,pulled out his shirt and about to unbottoned
jungkook's shirt but jungkook was stopped him by catched up his hand.
"I have something to ask you"telled
jungkook seriously.

Then jimin was sighs"huh..what it is?"asked jimin gently while keep backhugged jungkook and even rest his chin on jungkook's shoulder waited for him."what are you just done with Han Gyeom?"asked jungkook but jimin just kept silent.

After that,jimin was asked jungkook
"can you push aside your work when
you with me at home alone?"but seem
like jungkook can't fullfil jimin's wishes causes his face was changed
after hear it from jimin.

Despite of it jungkook slowly sliding
jimin's arm downward and telled him
"I'm soryy.."but jimin just looking at
him with serious looked when seeing
jungkook was walked away to their room.

However jimin was stepped towards
the slide door and thinking about that at balcony alone."how can I make him
not overthinking about me?"asked to
himself feeling so bad after said like
that to jungkook.

Thus he just keep spacing out all night
long causes keep thinking of the way, how could he didn't want to make jungkook worry about him."I'm totally messed could I manage it.."mumble jimin alone.

Hence of it,jimin trying so hard to calmed himself by closed his eyes and
mumble something"Jeon Jungkook my
only love,my only live..I'm must make
him happy and freely from keep worry about me..".

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