Chapter 25

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Whenever both of them just walked around while jimin held jungkook by
his arm and jungkook lean his head on jimin's shoulder."let's get the some
food for breakfast.."telled jimin while
looking at jungkook but jungkook just
keep silent while spacing out nowhere until jimin was caressing his cheeck
"baby.."mumble jimin gently making
jungkook was looking at him"eh?"ask
jungkook but jimin just staring at him.

Then jimin was asking him once again
"I'm telling you to get some breakfast,
do you want it or not?"but jungkook just gave him a puppy looked before
answering him"I don't mind it.."telled
jungkook while slowly pulled aback his head from jimin's shoulder."why
you so sad..?I thought you will be happy causes we can spend more time together.."asking jimin while looking
aside making jungkook feel bad after
hear it and slowly cupped jimin's jaw
"'s not what you think..surely
I'm very happy with that..honey.."
telled jungkook but jimin keep silent.

Earlier jimin trying hard to pretend like he sulking but he just lost it when
jungkook caressing his jaw's smoothly
making him turning aside and staring
back at jungkook's big doe eyes who is
staring at him waited for him to talk
"then,don't showed me that face ever
again.."telled jimin seriously making
jungkook's eyes got teary before got to
answer him"yes..I'm promised my dear husband..".

After that jimin was pulling him into
his arms and kissing his cheeck before
they stepped into the cafe for take a breakfast before come back to their
home."what do you want?"asked jimin gently waited for jungkook's who seem like looking for something
form the glass"um..just order for one per serving,I'm just want to share with you.."telled jungkook who turning to jimin.So jimin just nodded.

Hence jungkook telled jimin that,he go get the seat for them."oh..tae not even know about it yet,should I tell him?"asking jungkook to himself but
jimin was coming"what you just mumble?"asked jimin while placed the tray which is contains with a few
piece mini bread and mushroom porriage."I'm still don't tell taehyung"
telled jungkook making jimin was patting his head"you can tell him later"while slowly sitted.

Despite of it jungkook just respond by hummed and listening to his husband
"umm,okay.."who just making jimin fondly smile over his baby cuteness
"here..let's eat and we can back home afterwards.."telled jimin gently but jungkook just pouted "baby what's wrong?"asked jimin worryly but
jungkook just act cute"Feed me.."who
was making jimin smiling ear to ear
watched over his cuteness.

Slowly jimin was feeding jungkook and eat by himself afterward,both of
them was enjoying their sweet and
tasty breakfast together making the staff at there smiling over their cute and lovely moment"aww they looked
so happy.."mumble to herself.

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