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Case's POV

I woke up this morning with a groan.

My eyes slowly fluttered open and I came face to face with a chest that said 'Thicker Than Water.'

A smile spread across my face as Matt took in a deep breath.

I looked up at his sleeping face.

He looks so peaceful when he sleeps.

Complete opposite from when he's awake.

I tried not to giggle because I didn't want to laugh.

I leaned forward gently and pressed my lips to his chest.

I kept them pressed there and I felt warm, strong arms wrap around me tightly.

A smile spread slowly across my face as Matt's lips touched my temple.

"Good morning beautiful." He mumbled.

I giggled softly and pulled away so I could see his face.

"Good morning gorgeous." I said.

He grinned and pressed a kiss to my lips but I kept my lips tightly pressed together.

"Mmm." He groaned.

I giggled and pulled away.

"What?" I asked.

"Why wont you give me a kiss?" He asked with a pout.

I pressed a kiss to his lips again and smiled.

"You know what I mean." Matt said with a smile.

"Morning breath." I whispered with a laugh.

"You're worried about morning breath after all of the other things we do?" Matt asked with a grin.

I laughed lightly and nodded.

"Yeah, I do." I said.

He started to giggle.

"Alright fine. If that's what its going to take to get a real kiss, then I'll go brush my teeth." Matt said.

I giggled as he jumped out of his bunk.

"Wait for me." I said quietly.

He turned back and lifted his arms and caught me as I jumped down.

He carried me over to the bathroom and set me down so we could brush our teeth.

I giggled as I ran back to the bunk and laid down.

Matt came running after me and jumped on the bunk next to me.

"What the fuck you elephant!" Brian grumbled.

Me and Matt started laughing as he snuggled closer to me.

The affection Matt has towards me is so sweet.

He makes me feel like a spoiled little princess.

I have no idea why Val was such a bitch to him.

All she did was make him miserable.

I frowned deeply and was so lost in thought I didn't notice Matt roll on top of me.

He leaned down and pressed kisses to my lips.

"What's wrong?" He asked me when I didn't respond.

I snapped out of my thoughts and kissed Matt.

"Nothing." I said.

He looked down at me with narrowed eyes and he rolled off of me and laid on his side.

"Come on. Tell me what's wrong?" He asked.

"I was just thinking of Val." I said lowly.

His eyes narrowed to slits and his mouth pressed into a tight line.

"Why the fuck are you thinking about her?" He asked angrily.

"I was just thinking that you are a total sweetheart and she was such a bitch to you. It got me pissed and now I want to beat her ass." I said.

Matt was quiet for a minute before he chuckled.

He grabbed my chin and tilted it up, making me look at him.

"Why don't you focus your attention on something more important. Like me for example." Matt said with a chuckle.

I giggled softly and cupped his face.

I pulled it closer to mine and pressed my lips to his.

"This doesn't seem real at times. Kind of surreal." I told him.

"Being with me?" Matt asked.

"Yeah. Sometimes I think I'm dreaming. That I'll wake up and you and Val will still be together. And I'll have to watch from the sidelines as a woman I hate is with the man I love." I whispered.

Matt's eyes widened and he looked up at me.

I looked at him in confusion until I realized what I had said.

"Umm. I--, what I meant…umm…" I couldn't even think of anything to say.

I felt like such an idiot just laying there looking at Matt as a small smile spread across his face.

"You love me?" He asked quietly.

I stayed quiet for a minute.

I cupped his face between my hands and pulled his lips to mine.

I kept him there for a few minutes until we pulled apart, out of breath.

"Yes. I love you. I thought that was obvious." I said with a grin.

Matt chuckled and hugged me tightly.

His face pressed into the crook of my neck as he laid his body on top of mine.

"Guess what?" Matt whispered in my ear.

"What?" I asked softly.

"I love you too." He replied.

I grinned even though he couldn't see me.

"Does it ever feel like we're moving too fast?" I asked him.

"At times it does. But then I think back to how long we've known each other. And all of the history we have together. How strong my feelings are for you. And then it doesn't seem sudden at all." Matt said.

I took in a sigh of relief and Matt leaned up to look at me.

"I feel the same way. Just glad to hear you say it." I told him.

He smiled and his adorable dimples stood out.

"I love you." He said.

"And I love you." I whispered.

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