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Brian's POV

I looked down at my hands as I looked at the broken look on Matt's face.

I can't believe that Case left.

I mean, what the hell happened?

Everything had been fine.

Case was her normal, happy self when we walked on stage.

What happened between the start of the show and then end?

I looked up at Matt and I could see that he didn't know either.

"Matt?" I called.

But he didn't even look at me.

He stayed staring at the wall, not moving.

"She's gone." He whispered.

That's the only thing he's been saying for the past hour since we realized Case had left.

I hate seeing him this way.

Matt is the leader, the strongest of us.

And looking at him now, broken and sad, filled me with a sadness I couldn't explain.

I looked at Matt again and realized he wasn't going to be doing anymore talking.

So I stood up, making sure to grab my cell phone on the way out of the bus.

I leaned against the bus, dialing the number I knew by heart.

"Hey baby." Michelle murmured softly.

I sighed in relief.

"What's wrong?" She said, worry evident in her voice.

"It's so good to hear your voice." I said.

"Aww honey. What's wrong? Rough day?" She asked me.

"Rough as hell. Case is gone." I told her.

It was quiet for a minute.

"What do you mean she's gone?" She said.

"She left. We have no idea where she left or why. And Matt is fucking heart broken." I said.

"Damn. I feel so bad for him. I can only imagine how he feels right now. And she just left, with no explanation? He's probably gonna think he did something wrong. He didn't though, right?" Michelle asked.

"Not that I know of. Everything was fine when we walked off stage. And when Matt didn't see Case, he went to look for her. We all went to the bus and Matt's sitting there, staring at the wall. Just staring, totally empty eyed. Just kept repeating, 'She's gone. She's gone.', over and over again." I said.

"I wish I was there to make you feel better Bri. I know this is hard for you too. I know you were close to Case." Michelle said.

"I just don't know what to do for Matt. What am I supposed to say to him?" I asked her.

"There isn't much you can say to make him feel better. Just be there for him, baby. Be his best friend. He's gonna need you guys." She murmured.

"Thanks babe." I said with a sigh.

"Anytime. I love you." She said, and I could tell she was smiling.

"I love you too." I told her.

We continued to talk for a few minutes and I could feel myself starting to feel better.

But then when I thought about Matt sitting inside, missing the woman he loved, all of the bad feelings came back to me.

I had to make this better.

I had to.

I just don't know how.

Or where to begin.

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