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Case's POV

I watched from the side stage as Matt jumped across the stage.

He has so much energy even when he's dead tired.

He gets on stage and he gives the crowd his all.

I smiled widely as the crowd started going even crazier.

"SEVENFOLD! SEVENFOLD!" They chanted as Holy Confessions came to a close.

"You guys have been fucking amazing!" Matt yelled.

"We love you Long Beach!" Zacky yelled.

"Until next time!" Matt yelled as they all ran off stage.

I grinned and jumped up and down as Jimmy came over and picked me up.

"Great show!" I squealed, trying to breathe.

He grinned widely and then came Zacky, Brian and Johnny.

"You guys were amazing!" I said happily.

All the lights went out and I looked over at Matt who was grinning.

A video of them in a Jacuzzi laughing and joking around.

Jason came running into the video and started talking about playing another song.

The crowd started going even crazy, getting louder and louder.

"Yeeeah!" I yelled.

I was grinning and cheering for the guys as they had fun playing A Little Piece of Heaven.

I felt someone walking up behind me but I didn't bother turning to see who it was.

"He looks hot when he performs doesn't he?" Came Val's voice from next to me.

I didn't say anything, just kept my eyes on the guys.

"They all look good." I said finally.

Val let out a bitter laugh.

"Don't play stupid with me Cassidy." She said.

"Its Case. And I'm not hiding anything." I bit back.

"I know you have a thing for Matt. You have for a while now. But what you need to understand is that Matt is with me. Not you. And that is never going to change." Val said, stepping closer and getting into my face.

"You have five seconds to get out of my face, before I mess up yours." I said in a low voice.

"You threatening me?" She asked, jutting her hip out.

"No. I'm not threatening you. I'm telling you what'd going to happen if you don't move." I said.

I felt my fists clench when Val smirked.

"You know if you touch me, Matt will never forgive you." She said.

"We'll see about that." I said, shoving her roughly backwards.

She stumbled slightly and tried to come charging at me.

Jimmy and Jason came out of nowhere and jumped between us.

Zacky's arms wrapped around my waist and he pulled me against him.

"Don't you ever touch me again!" Val yelled from behind Matt.

Matt looked over at me with a confused expression.

"Don't you ever fucking threaten me again! Or it'll be more then a shove next time." I yelled.

Matt turned and looked at her now.

"You threatened her?" Matt asked.

"She pushed me!" Val exclaimed.

"I only pushed you cause you were in my face!" I yelled back trying to wriggle out of Zacky's grasp.

Brian came over to me as well and put his hands on my back and started to rub circles in my back.

"Breathe baby girl." He said softly.

"Fucking liar!" Val yelled.

"You stupid bitch!" I screamed, trying even harder to get past Brian and Zacky.

"Shut up!" Matt yelled loudly.

We all stopped talking and moving around.

I looked at Matt wide eyed.

He may look big and intimidating, but he rarely gets mad.

Not unless someone disrespects him, his family, or the guys.

He was fuming now.

And as much as I hate to admit it, he looks damn sexy when he's angry.

"What the fuck is going on?" Matt asked.

"She hit me Matt!" Val yelled.

"I pushed you. You would be able to tell if I hit you." I said honestly.

"You said she pushed you." Brian said.

"You taking her side over mine?" She asked incredulously.

"That's exactly what I'm doing." Brian answered.

I looked up at him with a small smile.

"I know you'll lie to make yourself look better. You never change." Brian said.

"Case is honest. And she wouldn't be a bitch to you for no reason." Jimmy defended me.

"You're the one that has a problem with her." Johnny said.

"You're jealous of her." Zacky said.

"Matt! Don't let them talk to me like that!" She yelled.

Matt turned and looked at her and I saw her shrink back slightly.

"You are a two faced bitch and I have no idea why I got back together with you. I do know that it was a mistake though. Its over." Matt said firmly.

Val's mouth fell open as well as all of ours.

"You don't mean that." Val said.

"I mean it." Matt said.

"No you don't!" She yelled.

"I'll show you." He said firmly.

He came walking towards me and pulled me away from Zacky and Brian.

His warm chest was pressed against mine and I could hardly breath or register what was happening as his mouth covered mine.

His lips were moving roughly against mine and I had missed the feeling so much.

I heard Val gasp and then stomp away.

But neither of us paid her any mind.

We were too busy enjoying this moment with each other.

And it felt like heaven.

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