Twenty Four

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Harry's POV

It's been a week and 4 days since I last saw Amber.

And that shit fucking hurts.

It hurts knowing that she's been avoiding me. And it hurts that she didn't even tell me what I did.

I tried to hang out with her all last week. Tried to meet up for lunches but every time she had some excuse ready to throw at me.

I just thought that her acting weird around me at my dinner party was just a mishap. I didn't know she would keep it up for a full week.

By the end of the first week I was annoyed and a little pissed off.

She constantly complains about Caleb pushing her out but yet she does the same thing to me?

She should know what it feels like so why would she purposely do it to me?

Sunday rolls around and I had to leave to head to London for a stupid board meeting. It's when I'm on the plan waiting to take off that she finally texts me first.

Hey, can we please meet up for lunch this week??

I send her a short message back about being out of the country for a couple of days and after that she doesn't respond.

After sitting in meetings all day Monday and Tuesday I decided to call Katie late Tuesday night.

We talked about random stuff until I brought up my girl.

"How's Amber?"

She laughs through the phone. "And why would you like to know?"

I roll my eyes but answer her, "Because I haven't talked to her in about a week. I think she's been avoiding me."

Katie then hums through the phone. "You two aren't very slick."


"Ugh, I know you and Amber are way more than just acquaintances, Harry."

I sigh through the phone but don't say anything. There is no point in trying to deny it.

"I haven't seen her since your dinner party, but I'm having lunch with her tomorrow so I can give you an update then."

"You two are literally the same person. Ryan and I both agree that if y'all ever got together you would be a perfect couple." She gasps out and I can't help the smile that forms on my face

"I'm not trying to break up her relationship." I explain myself quickly

I don't want anyone to think that I'm trying to persuade Amber to end things with Caleb in order to be with me.

Although that would be amazing. I wouldn't want her to regret her choice.

If she breaks up with Caleb I want her to do it because it's whats right for her. I want her to do it because she wants to, not because she feels like she has to.

"I know. Just don't want either one of you to get hurt." She says softly

"Me either."

"Alrighty, Mr.Boss. I'll call you tomorrow."

"Okay, thanks K"

And that was that.

So it now brings me to Wednesday.

My ass hurts from sitting in this office chair for so long. And my ears hurt from the monotone voice that all of these board members have.

I listen to what they are saying without actually paying attention. I nod my head every now and then, and may throw out a hum, to make it sound like I'm interested.

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