Garmau: The Docks

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Theme: Mermaid


Aphmau's POV:

I always enjoyed going to the dock. It gets me out of the palace and I get to see my friends who work with the magnificent ships of my family's kingdom. As I walked across the boards, I look up to see the ship that I usually see them on. It wasn't long when I saw Aaron and Katelyn's heads pop over to see me.

"Princess!", Katelyn exclaimed with a smile. "So good to see you! Want to come aboard?"

"I would love to!", I smiled back.

As I got on, I was immediately hit with the smell of sea salt and rum. Aaron, the first mate, bowed to me and said;

"What can we do for you?"

I rolled my eyes and said; "You two know I come just to catch up. You are all gone for weeks at a time, leaving me to fend for myself at home."

"In a luxury palace, what a shame,", Captain Katelyn laughed. "But, I'm glad you got to come. How did you find out we were here?"

"Travis informed me that you ported in last night. I would've came then but, I found it difficult with the guards."

"Well, they are there to protect you,", Aaron shrugged. A shout grabbed our attention and I saw as Dante and Lucinda struggled to pull a net up. "Bloody hell..,", Dante mumbled, pulling in the front.

"What did you two get caught in there?", Katelyn demanded.

"We don't know! It's strong though because it's swimming against us,", Lucinda explained. "Help us why won't ya!"

The three of us scrambled to grab the rope and pull the creature out of the water. With our combined strength, we were able to pull it up to a visible level.

"Is it dolphin?", Dante asked, since he was the first to see it. "It's tail looks tan too."

"Dolphins aren't blue or tan Dante!", Katelyn shouted.

"At least I'm trying to figure out what this thing is before we pull it up into the deck!"

With one last pull, the creature came up and I almost dropped the rope in awe.

It was a mermaid...or more like a merman. He had a beautiful blue, sparkling tail with a golden yellow decorating it. The top half of his was perfectly tanned and he had fins to match his tail on his arms. Blonde hair and blue eyes complimented him but, his facial expression was everything but comforting. You would think he would be scared or at least shaken up but, he met my eyes with a glare. He looked like he was ready to attack us if he wasn't in a net, laying on his stomach with his tail above his head.

"Whoa..,", Aaron exhaled. "What in the is this even possible?"

"It's not..,", Katelyn said in disbelief.

Before we could even take in the fact that a mythical creature was in our net, another merman with long ruby red hair and tail jumped out of the water and cut the net with his spear. The blue one dove in the water and disappeared into the blue abyss. We all rushed to the edge of the deck to try and spot the two again but, they were gone.

" I drunk or did everyone else see that too?", Dante asked.

We all nodded, not moving our gaze from the water.

"Captain, what should we do?", Lucinda asked.

Katelyn was silent for a while before saying; "One of you keep watch in the water while a group of you go search the area. That thing couldn't have gone far."

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