Larroth:When You're Ready

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Shawn Mendes Theme

Maybe I had too many drinks
But that's just what I needed
I hope that you don't think that what I'm saying sounds conceited
When I look across the room, and you're staring right back at me
Like somebody told a joke and we're the only ones laughin'

"Laurence? You okay buddy?", Dante asked his friend, seeing him staring off across the room. "Travis and I are gonna go get drinks. Do you want anything?"

Laurence was silent and didn't respond. Dante and Travis shrugged and walked off, completely confused as of why Laurence was so odd.

"Maybe he had too many.", Travis whispered to Dante, as they headed to the table where Aphmau had laid out some drinks on the tray. "Let's have him have a breather.", Dante sighed.

What they didn't know is that he wasn't staring off into space but, at a certain blonde that was now staring back. They both smiled at each other, laughing a bit at each other's faces.

Don't know why I tried
'Cause ain't nobody like you
Familiar disappointment every single time I do
Every single night my arms are not around you
My mind's still wrapped around you

"So, what's this new girl like?", Garroth asked Laurence through the phone.

"Eh. A farmer girl that my Mom introduced me to. Not really my type.", Laurance shrugged, laying on his bed with the phone next to his ear. "How's Starlight?"

" would love it here.", Garroth sighed.

"Don't worry. When you come home we talk all about it. K?", Laurance says, remembering that they wouldn't see each other for at least another month.  His bed was cold and his family was asleep. Hearing Garroth's voice made him want to get on a plane as soon as possible. "I gotta beat you a Mario Cart one of these days."

"Losers never win."

Baby, tell me when you're ready
I'm waitin'
Baby, any time you're ready
I'm waitin'
Even ten years from now
If you haven't found somebody
I promise, I'll be around
Tell me when you're ready
I'm waitin'

"Don't get in too much trouble like at Love~Love Paradise, okay?", Laurance laughed, as he said goodbye.

What if my dad is right
When he says that you're the one
No, I can't even argue
I won't even fight him on it
Call you when it's late
And I know that you're in bed
'Cause I'm three hours back
Seems like you're always six ahead

"Your mother is crazy. You're crazy.", Laurance's Dad said, making breakfast. "You two obviously like each other. You talk on the phone for an hour each night!"

"Yeah...I know."

Don't know why I tried
'Cause ain't nobody like you
Familiar disappointment every single time I do
Every single night my arms are not around you

Laurance woke up one morning, feeling something next to him. His arms were wrapped around it. He smiled, thinking it was the blonde. But, to his disappointment, it was only his pillow. He just laid there, letting tears fall. Making the pillow dap.

My mind's still wrapped around you
Baby, tell me when you're ready
I'm waitin'
Baby, any time you're ready
I'm waitin'
Even ten years from now
If you haven't found somebody
I promise, I'll be around
Tell me when you're ready
I'm waitin', yeah

"You know, I really miss you.", Garroth said over the phone sadly. "I always have a better time around you."

"Don't say that.", Laurance says, helping Cadenza clean their brother's room. "You aren't gonna have any fun if you keep that mentality."

"But, it's true."

And if I have to, I'll wait forever
Say the word and I'll change my plans
Yeah, you know that we fit together
I know your heart like the back of my hand

"Do you want me to come?"

There was silence on the other side. Laurance was leaning against the room's wall and Cadenza was anxiously waiting for the answer. Even though Laurance already knew what Garroth would say.

"No. It's too expensive just can't come all of sudden."

So baby, tell me when you're ready
I'm waitin'
Baby, any time you're ready
I'm waitin'
Even ten years from now
If you haven't found somebody
I promise, I'll be around
Tell me when you're ready
I'm waitin', yeah

"It's been a few days.", Laurance sighed, combing his hair back. "He hasn't answered my calls!"

"Don't worry Laurance.", His mother said soothingly. "I'm sure he's fine."

"But, he isn't. I know he isn't."

"He'll be back in a week and I'm sure he'll tell you why then."

Baby, tell me when you're ready
I'm waitin'
Baby, any time you're ready
I'm waitin', oh

Laurance was sobbing looking at the television. Cadenza was hugging him tightly, letting some tears fall as well. His parents were in shock. Garroth wasn't coming a long time.

Starlight was closed.

Even ten years from now
If you haven't found somebody
I promise, I'll be around
Tell me when you're ready
I'm waitin', I'm waitin'

"Please, Garroth...come home soon...", Laurance sobbed into his hands. "And tell me what we both want to hear..."

Word Count

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