Chapter 1

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Life here without wings is just terrible. Nobody understands why my wings haven't come yet. Like, come on wings you can go ahead and GROW now! But no, they just have to be stubborn. Seriously, though, my wings should have come in ages ago. As in when I was 8. I'm 16 now, so it's been 8 years. Which sucks, because growing up, my parents always told me that I would do great things. I would believe them, up until I turned 8 and my wings hadn't come in. I had started questioning them.


"Alesha, you will do great things in the future. Believe, me." My father had told me the night before my birthday.

"What kind of things, Daddy?" I'd asked.

"You, my princess, will be a great leader, you will help people in need. You, Sweetheart, will touch many a person's soul and heart." He said kissing my forehead. "Now, you must rest. I love you."

"I love you too Daddy."

The next morning, I was so happy. I was going to get my wings. My wings! But when they didn't come, I was so sad.


"Yes, Darling?"

"How can I do all the great things you and Daddy tell me I will do, if I don't have my wings?" I'd asked.

"You will get your wings, Darling, maybe later than everyone else. But you'll get them." She had assured me.

*End of flashback*

Myparents had died two years later, still assuring me that I would do amazing things when I got older. And here I am now, no wings, no amazing things happening, none of that. None of it. I had hope still, that my parents hadn't been lying to me, and that these things would happen. Hoping my wings would come in, wondering when they would start to grow in.

"Alesha! Come on! The queen has an announcement for us!" My best friend Lana says, flying to my favorite spot.

"Okay, Lana, chill. I'm coming!"

"Haha, what ever would you without me?" She giggles.

"I would, be hopeless. And, I would never do anything!" I exclaimed, sarcastically.

"O.K. the sarcasm was so not needed."

Laughing, I get up from my sitting position on the tree, and follow Lana to the Castle.

"Come on Alesha! Hurry up! we'll be late!"

"I'm coming, I'm coming, seesh. Can I ever get a break around here?"


Walking sucks. You know? While everyone else get to do the important things, I'm stuck "making sure no humans have been here" it's stupid. Absolutely stupid! What kind of Avian am I if I don't even have my wings? It's quite sad. And insulting. To my family anyways.

"Queen" Lana says, bowing.

I bow too.

"Rise ladies." The queen says. "I have important work for the both of you."

"What kind of work exactly?" I asked.

"The kind of work that goes to the human realm." Was her answer.

Lana and I both gasped.

"Are you serious?!" I asked shocked. "This is-"

"Yes I'm serious. No need to be upset." She interrupted me.

"Oh, no. I'm not upset. I'm excited and happy and all kinds of good feelings! I mean come on! What kind of regular things do I do now? None. That's how many." I said. Correcting her. "But what exactly is this 'work' that we'll be doing, exactly?"

"I need the both of you to gather information on how close or far from our discovery the humans are. And fast."

"What if we find some like us?" Lana asks, finally speaking.

"Bring them home with you." Was the queen's answer.

"Yes Majesty." We replied.

We left to go and get our things ready for our trip. Me to my house and Lana to hers.

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