Fuck You Fatass

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Butters PoV
Today is the day one of my best friends died. He and I used to be the outcasts of the school. Everyone seemed to hate us. We ended up being each other's only friends, until Kenny and Damien came along. He died a few years ago because he'd been crushed by the giant robot Barbra Streisand.

I'm visiting Philip's grave today. I'm the only one who calls him Phillip. Everyone else called him Pip because they hated him.

As I head to the graveyard, I'm stopped by someone.

"Mph mmhm. Hm mhm?"

"I'm fine Kenny. Just a bit sad."

Kyle turns his head in my direction. "What happened? You sound like you're more than just a bit sad."

"It's cause his boyfriend died," Eric says. I really don't want to deal with this right now.

"He wasn't my boyfriend."


"Don't you know anything dumbass? That kid Pip that everyone hated died today a few years ago. I can't believe you'd be upset over him. Honestly he got what was coming to him. He was such a-"

"DON'T YOU DARE SAY ANOTHER WORD!!" It feels like someone has set a fire inside me. If I'm not careful I might burst into flames.

Everyone looks shocked at my outburst. I tell Kenny, Kyle and Stan to back up before I continue to glare daggers at Cartman.

"Listen here Eric Cartman, and pay attention. I've had just enough of your shit. Phillip didn't deserve anything he was put through. He was ridiculed EVERY day, hated EVERY day, and yet he was still nice to everyone he came across. He was one of the nicest people I ever met, and the only friend I had until fourth grade. He deserved way more than he got. HE DESERVED TO LIVE. I'M NOT LETTING YOU INSULT HIS MEMORY BY CALLING HIM THOSE NAMES. FUCK. YOU. FATASS. FUCK YOU."

I ran the rest of the way to the graveyard, leaving scorch marks where my feet had been. My tears evaporated the minute they left my eyes.

"Y-you can't just say that about a dead person."

"Wait! Leo!"

I turn around and stop immediately. Kenny runs up to me and holds out his arms. I bury my face into his chest. We stay that way for awhile until Kenny breaks the silence.

Kenny PoV
"I'm guessing you came here to visit him. Wanna head over to his grave?"

He wipes away the tears that didn't evaporate and nods his head. I keep my arm around his shoulders the whole time. We stop in front of the grave and stand there for a bit.

"When I die I go to heaven or hell until I come back. I've talked to him before. He misses you. You were his first friend."

".....is he happy, wherever he is?"

"Yeah. Remember Damien?"

"Yeah. What about him?"

"They talk a lot. They're together."

"Like a couple?"


I see the beginnings of a smile on his face. His eyes hold a warmth inside them.

"Can you tell him I said hi the next time you see him?"

"Of course Buttercup."

We sit there and talk for a while. I tell him about how Pip is doing these days, about Damien, and how much I ship it. Butters tells me about the adventures he and Pip went on when he wasn't grounded.

"It's getting dark out. I gotta head home."

"Want me to walk you?"


I don't get to though, because after a few steps I fall into a hole.

"Jesus Christ! Kenny, are you alright?!"

"Yeah, I'll be fine."

A statue falls and crushes me as soon as the words escape my lips.

Stan PoV
Kyle and I are passing by the graveyard as we walk home when we hear a scream.

"Jesus Christ! Kenny, are you all right?!"

Kyle turns to me with his eyebrows raised.

"Yeah, I'll be fine."

A statue falls into the hole and I hear a crashing sound. There's no way he survived that.



We continue on with our day.

Pip PoV
I'm talking with Chef when I see a certain person with an orange jacket.

"One moment Chef, I think I see Kenny."

"Go ahead and talk to him."

"Thank you."

I walk over to him. "Hello Kenny. It's been a while since I've seen you here."

"Hey Pip. Guess who says hi?"



I think for a bit. "You?"

He sighs. "Butters remembers. He asked me to tell you that he said hi."

I smile the biggest smile I have in a long time.

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