Somewhere Else

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Kyle PoV
When I wake up, I'm still blindfolded. It's cold. I can hear someone humming a soft tune as they sob.


The humming stops and there's a gasp.

"Kyle! You're awake!"


"Yeah. Thank goodness, I almost thought you were dead. Though that might have been an overreaction seeing as I've been awake for five minutes."

"Is anybody else here?"

"Besides us, it's just Tweek. Though he probably won't be himself when he wakes up."

"Are you alright?"

He chuckles. "I'm gonna live. I did get a cut on my arm but I'm okay."

"Okay." I sit and try to assess our situation.

"Do you know where we are?"

"I think we're in a basement. So....there are four walls. One wall has stairs coming down, and you're up against the wall across from the stairs. To the wall on your right is me, and to the wall on your left is Tweek. The room is empty. There aren't windows."

"Hm... are my hands bound together with a zip tie?"

"Yeah. All of us are."

I stand up. Whoever the kidnapper is, they're an idiot. My hands are tied in front of me, and my legs are free. I tighten the zip tie as hard as I can with my teeth. Afterwards, I raise my hands above my head and slam them down as hard as possible. The zip tie falls off.

"Whoa! How'd you do that?!"

I smile and tell him how to do it.

After we're both free, I tell him we should stay put and make a plan when Tweek wakes up.

"Our captor is either an idiot, or has a trap set up. We should wait for a while, and if we're not saved soon, break out ourselves . I'm guessing the door is locked."

There's silence for just a moment.

"Are you sure you're okay? Don't take advantage of the fact that I can't see, I'll find out one way or another."

"I promise, I'm fine."


I sit back down. I hear shuffling, so I guess Clyde did too.

"I don't think Tweek's gonna be himself when he wakes up. And if he is, it won't be for long."

"You're right about that. Just the shock of getting kidnapped got him trapped inside his own head for a while."

That's Tweek's voice. Seeing as they're speaking in the third person, it's not Tweek himself.

"How long have you been awake?"

"Woke up just now. Heard the thing about Tweek not being himself. Any idea on how to get out of here?"

Clyde speaks up. "Kyle showed me how to get out of the zip tie. We were waiting for you to wake up so we could figure out what to do."

"Help me out, then we can discuss it."

I talk them through it. After they're free, they sigh and sit down.

"What should I call you?" They're obviously not Tweek, but they haven't given me a name. "Also, what pronouns do you prefer?"

"He/him. And don't call me anything yet."

I see. I'm giving him the nickname Chicken Nugget for now. But only in my head.

"Okay. Now, important question. Did either of you see the kidnapper?"

Clyde shakes his head. Chicken Nugget says he can't- dammit I can't do this nickname. NotTweek says he can't remember.

"Tweek could probably tell you, but as I said. Too much pressure. Not gonna be conscious for a while."

"Hm. Alright. Can either of you pick locks?"

Both of them reply with a no.

"We're either gonna need to use brute force or call for help. Both of which are risky."

"Maybe we should wait a while and see what happens," says Clyde.

NotTweek responds. "That's probably the best bet."

"Okay. Then we wait."

We all go quiet. NotTweek is snoring and Clyde starts humming again. I hope we get out of here soon.

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