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That night, right before dinner, the doorbell rang. Draco and Tom stood behind the Weasly twins, who were whispering under their breaths to each other-it made Draco want to roll his eyes at the ridiculousness. If they were trying to go unnoticed, they were not doing that well. Of course, it was Gryffindors...so...not suspicious at all. Tom had a firm, and comforting hand on Draco's shoulder, which was probably what they were curious about, that or the door. As soon as it was opened, Tom stiffened at the aura of darkness. He saw a man, with pale skin, and black hair, dressed in all black, robes, shirt, and pants, even socks and shoes. The man had black eyes. Draco looked up.

"Professor Snape?" George shrieked at the same time that Draco whispered. "Uncle Sev," The man stared at Tom Riddle curiously, before sliding his gaze to Draco, he moved forward and stood before the boy. Draco stiffened as he turned his cold blank eyes to look up at Severus. Draco did not know why everyone was so shocked that Severus was here, Dumbledore had mentioned that he was supposed to be coming before leaving earlier. Why did they think Sirius had been in a mood all day?

"Uncle." He said simply.

"Draco, your...father..." He seemed to pause on the word. "Informed me of your whereabouts. I came to see if you were alright?" Draco looked deep into the man's emotionless black eyes.

"As well as ever, Professor Snape." He said, the words seemed to have a special meaning that everyone seemed to miss. Severus's lip curled and his eyes turned cold.

"You will meet me in this room in two hours. Go. I must speak with the supposed son of the Dark Lord." Severus said. Everyone stayed exactly were they were. Severus whirled around, black eyes flashing with a burning danger.

"I said, GO!" Everyone scattered, except Draco and Tom.

"Uncle Sev?" Draco asked under his breath, barely loud enough for the Twins, who were using their extendable ears again, to hear.


"Uncle sev?" Hermione asked, her voice echoing her confusion "I am quite certain that Draco is not related to him in any way."

"Shut up 'Mione!" Ron growled. "We won't hear them if you keep talking!!"

"Yes Draco?"

"Can I..." He paused. They saw him glance at Tom before returning his attention to the Potions Master. "May I stay?"

"For now, yes, you may. I have a few questions I wish to ask you. Sit."


Tom noticed that at the order, Draco's eyes dilated once more. It seemed a subconscious thing, and that was when it finally hit, and he could have smacked himself for being so obtuse: A natural submissive. They are incredibly hard to come by, and very rare. One clue was the dilated of eyes when given an order, but they did not always have to obey. A Natural Submissive could only be put under by a Natural Alpha, which Tom believed was why it was so easy for him to put Draco into a deep sleep. By the looks of it, this Sev...Or Severus...was another Natural Alpha. But that did not make sense, because Tom was not getting the sort of aggression one should get should that have been the case...Lucius was not one, as far as Tom could tell. There were ways to hide that part of yourself. Natural Alphas were rare, although far more common than a Natural Submissive. Draco was clearly the latter, and was already "Coming into his Inheritence" So to speak. He was not yet 17, so it really shouldn't have any affect, though it was likely speeding up given the fact that he was around another N.A. a lot. Although, Tom would have to do more research on this, it could just be a spell, instead of a natural response. It was difficult to tell.


"How long has it been since you slept, Draco." Draco was about to reply, but Severus cut him off again. "Deeply, and for a long while."

"Well, that is, earlier today, Tom helped me sleep." Draco said, clearly, although his eyes were directed towards his hands, on his lap.

"He did, did he?"

"oooh, Riddle gonna get it!" Fred said, smirking, and high five-ing with George. Hermione rolled her eyes and Ron just grit his teeth. There was no use in trying to tell the twins to shut it, they wouldn't.

"Yes," Draco coughed, clearing his throat. "I was having difficulty sleeping over the last several days, and a few days ago, Tom helped me sleep, and so, after several days I asked Tom to help, and he did. It was a fair amount of hours, and I feel better, now."

"I am glad for that, Draco. You need better sleep. Now, take off your shirt." Draco's eyes widened.

"Dang, Snape, didn't think you a perv!" George gagged.

"Oh, shut it." Hermione snapped. "Professor Snape may be many things but he is no pervert!"

"How do you..." harry began but was cut off by Ron, a rare moment to be sure.

"Hermione is right. Besides, have you all forgot what Dumbledore said he suspected from Lucius?" Draco's slightly wavering response left them unable to argue further.

"I do not think that there is any reason for..."

"Now. Draco." Draco did so, hands unbuttoning his shirt expertly with this long thin fingers. Severus slipped forward, examining him.

"Stay still." he warned, pulling out his wand, Draco successfully managed not to flinch, but he did bite his lip. Severus whispered a few words and a white light emerged from the wand tip, and wrapped itself around Draco's neck, wrists, and ankles. The bruising gone.

"Who?" it was a simple question.

"A person." Draco evaded. Severus groaned and muttered under his breath.

"Stupid nature rules."

The Golden Trio and Weasly Twins looked at each other confused.

"What do you think he means?" Ron asked Hermione.

"I don't...I have never heard of 'Nature Rules' in a magical sense. Which is clear that he means magically. I'm going to have to research it!" Her eyes shone with the familiar excitement of figuring out something new.

"Who gave you the bruising on your neck and wrists?" They saw Draco look away, jaw clenched, refusing to answer.

"Answer the Question Draco." Severus said in a dangerous voice. The boy's body began to vibrate with the attempt to disobey, but to no avail. He released his attempt, stared at the floor.

"Lucius." Severus growled. Draco jumped, backing away, and shaking, and Tom put a firm hand on the back of his neck, calming him immediately.


"I don't...know. At least not this time. He has been getting more...angry lately. Often he goes out of his way to figure out reasons to punish me."

"You are not to speak to him until I sort through all this, is that clear?"

"Yes, Uncle Sev."

"Good. Now, if you do not mind, I wish to speak to Mr. Riddle alone."

"But...I..." Draco stuttered. He looked to Tom, who just smiled, and gave a small squeeze at the base of his neck, calming him, and causing him to nod at Severus.

"Fine, I will just help Miss. Weasley with dinner." He muttered.

"Do not speak under your breath, Draco, you know how your father hates it." Draco took a deep breath.

"Yes, Sir."

"Good, If you will."

"Fine. Be careful. Both of you, otherwise who knows what sort of brawl will end up, and whose pieces of ash we will be left burying." Draco said, and and, before he could be reprimanded, strode purposefully out of the room.

Severus turned his gaze onto Tom Riddle. Cold, cruel, and calculating.

Harry whistled under his breath. "He pissed of Snape somehow!"

"I believe you and I need to have a talk about my godson."

"What?" The Gryffindors gaped.

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