The pregnancy

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*clary pov*

Clary had seen countless movies about a girl getting pregnant. How dramatic they made it seem. God. It was like those girls were dying. But those movies did not prepare her for the people she had to put up with. Morning sickness, sucked but hey. Cramps, had sucked since she was 13, so that was nothing. But Jace, and everyone else. My god. he loved her so much but it was almost to much. Clary couldn't train, fight, or even cook dinner sometimes. As she got bigger jace got more protective. She wasn't complaining but hey. Simon, was always making fat jokes. Or making creepy sex jokes and asking about "the time". So he wasn't of much help. Alec was horrified about the idea of a baby in the institute. And well, mom luke and izzy they were pretty supportive and helpful. Clary was about 7 months on the way, so she was pretty huge. She was 22 and that was pretty good for a shadowhunter who had fought in like 3 major wars. Magnus was the usual doctor, but sometimes he sent other warlock friends instead. That did not help because that opened of whole new set of gyno jokes for Simon. When clary and jace first talked about kids, she was surprised at how much jace actually had wanted kids. He actually had suggested it. Since the marriage, clary had seen a whole new foreign side a jace. The, sensitive and sweet side. It was something she hadn't seen since the night in Alicante.

On her final month, clary felt her baby kick almost every day, she got scared every time she felt pain. Magnus was always just a call away. But panic always settled in her. The pain eventually went away. But one day it didn't. She had been hiding it all day, but she grunted in pain near jace and within minutes magnus was there.

"Good call jace" magnus said

"Excuse me."

"She's in labor all right."

When he said that pain flared up clary all the way up to her brain. She groaned. Jace was right next to clary in a second. She saw his hand slide into hers. But her whole body was numb. She didn't blink, her eyes got blury and unfocused. Her hearing was dull and fuzzy. She barley heard magnus tell her to push. It felt like demon blood was burning up her body. Then the pain dulled, but still was there. She felt the pain reduce again to a throb. She heard the sound of a baby's cry. Then the world went black.

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