His Butler, Competing

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   "It's the Queen," you heard hushed whispers come from around you and you couldn't help but stare in shock at the small figure that was dressed in black and you knew that it had to be the Queen. She wore a full body dress and a hat with garner preventing anyone from seeing her face. Your gaze drifted to the male clad in white beside's her and your eyes narrowed. That was definitely Angela or should you say Ash.

It was then that the crowd instantly began to sing as the Queen made her way down the red carpet that had been rolled out to where the judges were at. "God save our precious Queen, long live our noble Queen-"

You however remained quiet as the crowd continued to sing. You didn't really owe any sort of loyalty to this queen and it seemed that you were not the only one who thought the same. Baldroy, Lau, Ran-Mao, and Sebastian all remained quiet as the Queen made her way to the crowned chair.

You watched as Ash leaned in to the Queen, most likely going to relay her message to the crows and you watched as he straightened up to address the crowd. "Her majesty bids me tell you, I am so sorry I've been unable to appear in front of you however, I am now in such perfect health that I may even enjoy curry again. My late husband was quite fond of curry and I look forward to your food."

Everyone cheered upon hearing this and it was then that the announcer announced that the curry festival would begin and that the participates would begin cooking. You paid no attention to this, to worried over the fact that Prince Soma had disappeared into the crowd.

You glance around the place wondering just where he was and you couldn't catch sight of him anywhere. Noticing that Ciel and the others were to focus in on the curry festival that was going on, you slink off into the crowd, set on finding where Prince Soma had gone to.

Finally managing to make your way out of the crowd, you left behind the loud crowd as you made your way throughout the rest of the Crystal Palace. Getting further away from the curry festival behind you, you noticed that much of the rest of the convention was quiet. 'It seems like a majority of the people here are at the festival,' you thought to yourself as you made yourself around the place.

'Where could Prince Soma be at?' You thought to yourself to lost in thought to have noticed a figure walking directly in front of you. It was suddenly then that you felt yourself bump into something hard and you immediately snapped yourself back to reality.

"I'm so sorry about that!" You cried out saying and it was then that you heard a low chuckle and the words, "It's alright." Upon recognizing the familiar voice, you looked up and soon came face to face with James. "James! I wasn't expecting to see you here," you told the shop keeper with a polite smile.

"Neither did I for you," the forty year old man said with a smile. "I'm quite interested in curry and ever since those rumors of the Queen coming here I had to see myself for sure."

"Oh.. well that's nice to hear," you said though your eyes kept looking around the place in hopes of spotting Prince Soma somewhere.

"Where are you of to?" James asked you making you direct your attention over toward him. "From what I know the curry festival is that way."

"There's a friend of mine I'm looking for," you told him, your eyes still darting around the room. There was a good chance that he was in a place away from people so you would only have to look for a place like that.

"Oh then sorry if I'm keeping you busy," James said before heading past you. "Be sure to stop by the shop anytime now, you're my number one customer. Good luck in finding your friend."

"Thanks James," you called out to him before turning back to try to find Prince Soma. You wandered your way through the Crystal Palace and it was then that you noticed that you were in an area alone. The sound of water was heard from further up and you could only assume that it was a water fountain.

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