Ciel in Wonderland part 2

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   "Wow you're so small Ciel," you mused out saying as you glanced down at the said boy who barely reached up to your ankle. The candy that Abberline had gave him did in fact turn him small, but to the point that he shrunk down to the size of a caterpillar.

"Why am I so small?" Ciel squeaked out angrily as you glanced down at his small figure.

"Whoops, it seems that that one made you to small," Abberline said with a sweat drop as he glanced down to where Ciel was glaring up at him.

"Is there a way to make him back to regular size?" You asked him, Abberline only going to rub the back of his neck with a sheepish look.

"Sorry, I just happen to only have another candy that makes you small that's it," Abberline replied back. "If you want to grow again then you're going to have to find someone else that will be able to help you."

"Do you happen to have that other candy on you?" You asked Abberline and he glanced over to where you were at surprised at your question. "I wish to continue to aid Ciel on his journey through Wonderland."

"Well I'll be happy to help," Abberline said as he reached into the pocket of his tailcoat and pulled out another candy. "You're lucky that I happen to have this candy on me today. Here I have no use for it at all. You can have it," Abberline stated as he handed it over to you. "I have to get going now. I have a somewhere that I need to be."

"Thanks. Have a good trip," you said watching as Abberline pedaled off into the woods. Watching him for a bit, you soon popped the candy into your mouth and instantly you felt a strong throbbing in your chest area. You gripped your chest upon feeling the pain assuming that this was what Ciel had felt as well.

It was suddenly then that you noticed that you began to grow smaller in size until you soon found herself at the same size as Ciel. He let out a sigh upon seeing you smirk at him and he shook his head. "Was it really necessary for you to shrink yourself down to this size as well?" He asked you as the two of you began to make your way through the over sized mushrooms and flowers.

"Yup!" You said with a laugh as you followed your way after Ciel. "Wow I never knew that walking through a forest at such a pain," you stated only to stop upon coming upon a clearing. Your mouth dropped open upon seeing a caterpillar Lau sitting on top of a mushroom.

"Awe, so its seems t hat this day has finally come. I am the caterpillar Lau," Lau stated as he released a gust of purple smoke over in your direction from the vaper that he had next to him. "I have been waiting for this day to come."

"If you been waiting then are you able to tell us what out next move should be?" Ciel asked out, however, Lau only glanced over to the side.

"Why I don't know," he stated causing Ciel to protest. "the right side will make you grow fuller, and the left side will make you grow shorter," he stated out.

It was then that your eyes leveled in on Ran-Mao who began to approached the two of you and you gravitated over to the side as she made her way up to Ciel. "Wait hold! On a second!" Ciel exclaimed out as he watched her approached, obviously bewildered by the tan colored skin suit she wore, it showing off a good percent of her body beneath it.

You watched in shock as Ran-Mao grabbed onto Ciel's head, pushing him so that his face was implanted in the right side of her chest area. You cringed upon seeing this only for your eyes to widen upon seeing a bright glow around them just as Ciel pushed her away from him.

"What the hell was that for!? What did you do to me!?" Ciel exclaimed out, but what caught you by surprised was that his voice was deeper than it was before. It wasn't his voice that had also changed, but his whole appearance. Now in front of you stood a twenty some old Ciel and you could only gape at him. 'Wow! he really looks attractive.'

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