Finny Ending

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  After months of waiting, Finny finally got the answer he wanted. The large delighted smile that had spread across his face was something you fondly remembered, happy to have come to the conclusion that yes, you did like the gardener. The caring, sweet nature of the gardener was what had won you over and now that there was no conflict happening, there had been no need to wait on answering the question Finny had asked in the shed all those months ago. Only a month had passed since the two of you had officially started seeing each other and the moments shared were blissful, not to mention it was always cute seeing how flustered Finny would still get.

Knocking on the door to your room was what had awoken you that morning and blearily, you shifted in the bed wanting nothing more to do than sleep. The faint rays of the morning sun shone in through the thin curtains that lined the windows, casting a white shade into the room which were the colors of the curtains themselves. Tiredly, you blinked your eyes opened as the knocking continued and with a small groan you shifted so that the covers were off to swing out of the bed.

A soft yawn was released as you padded over to the door, the knocking continuing despite the person having been at it for the past moment. "I'm coming," you softly exclaimed, stretching for a moment just as you reached the door and with a slight delay due to how tired you were, you soon opened the door to greet the person on the other side.

"Good morning. Oh! Mey-Rin."

Seeing the clumsy maid before you was something that was least expected. She would occasionally come to wake you up in the morning, but most of times it was usually Finny, the gardener seeming to take it upon himself to come in the morning to wake you up. As much as you protested that he didn't need to do this, he was adamant, saying that he enjoyed being able to see you so early in the morning and being able to be the one to wake you.

"Seems that you were expecting someone else," the maid humored, giving you an all to knowing smile, one that held every bit of her amusement and making you sheepishly smile in response.

"Morning Mey-Rin." You greeted the clumsy maid, the sheepish smile turning into a normal one and you opened the door further allowing her to enter inside. "Let me get dress before we go to do our duties."

With that said, you closed the door behind once she had entered the room and you watched as she headed over to sit on the edge of the bed. With another small yawn and a stretch, you headed over to the small bathroom that was to the left, one that you shared with Mey-Rin as her bedroom was on the other side.

"Didn't you hear? The young master was nice enough to give us the day off."

Mey-Rin's voice was heard from where she was in the room and hearing this surprised you as this was the first that you had heard of this.


Having finished changing, you headed out from the bathroom, gaze focusing on where Mey-Rin was sitting on the bed.

"We have the day off?"

Mey-Rin nodded her head in reply, standing up from where she sat to fully address you. In doing so, you noticed that she wasn't wearing her usual maid uniform and had instead chosen to wear a simple dress that paired well with her cherry red hair. It was only likely that she had placed the casual dress on due to having the day off.

"The young master and Sebastian decided to head to the townhouse in London. He left us to watch over the manor and also said that we could have the day off," she explained.

"He and Sebastian already left?" You were surprised to hear this; usually Ciel would inform you if he was planning on leaving the manor any time soon so it was odd that he had said of no such thing. Not to mention that he would usually bring you with him whenever he would go to the main city.

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