Her Acquaintance, Beach

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  "Today's the day!" You exclaimed out with a large smile on your face as you raced your way over to the closet, pulling out a dress to wear for the day.

A groan came from the other bed behind you and you poked your head out of the closet to see Mey-Rin raise her head up from the pillow that she had been sleeping on. "What are you talking about (Y/N)?" Mey-Rin tiredly asked you. "I'm sure a good majority of us are trying to sleep."

"Mey-Rin today's the last day we're going to be here! Let's do all we can to enjoy the last moments that we have here," you told the red haired maid who only let out a groan. You let out a laugh upon this before heading to the door of your shared room. "I'll see you when you do wake up," you informed Mey-Rin as you stepped out of the door.

Making your way down the small hallway, you couldn't help but feel excited for the day. Although it was the group's last day at the beach house, you couldn't help but remember two days ago that you had run into Alois and Soma. All of you guys as a group had decided that you guys would meet up on the last day of the trip that way you would be able to spend the day with each other before the Phantomhive members had to return back to the manor.

'I wonder what both Alois and Soma plan to do after this vacation of theirs,' you thought to yourself as you made your way down the hallway to soon find yourself in the living room. The living room was quiet and you could only assume that everyone else was still asleep in their rooms, though you were curious as to whether Sebastian himself was still asleep.

A growl came from your stomach, concluding that you were hungry and you made your way over to the kitchen wondering if you could find something that you could eat. Fortunately, you were able to find several of the berries that you and the servants had found on the first day and you grabbed a handful of them. 'I'm surprised that there are still some in here,' you thought as you made your way over to sit onto the couch to begin munching on the berries. 'I wonder if one of the others had gone out and gathered some more to restock. I honestly wouldn't be surprised if it was Sebastian we had done it.'

It was suddenly then that you heard creaking from down the hallway and could only assume that someone had just woken up for the day and was making their way down to the living room. Your best bet was Mey-Rin due to the fact that you had woken her up when you had woken up though there was a good chance that it was Sebastian, him mostly getting up early to begin making breakfast for Ciel and the others.

"(Y/N)? What are you doing up so early," A deep voice asked out and your assumption was proven correct as you watched as Sebastian appear from behind the wall of the hallway, a confused look on his face. "Knowing you, I thought that you would most likely be still asleep in your room. It what I also catch you doing back at the manor," Sebastian added in with a a chuckle causing you to blush out.

"Well it was because of the fact that Soma, Alois and the others were coming for the day," you responded as you stood up from where you sat, You begin heading over to where Sebastian was. He must have been going to make breakfast for the day due to the fact that he was pulling out ingredients from the cupboards. "I must have been so excited at the fact that they were going to be coming, the I unconsciously ended up waking myself up early for the day. Oh by the way I can help you cook breakfast if you want," you added in as you stopped next to Sebastian.

"That would be lovely," Sebastian said with a smirk and you beamed up at him upon hearing him say this. "I thought that this vacation would just be for the members of the Phantomhive Manor, I wasn't expected both Claude, Soma, Alois, and Agni to show up as well," Sebastian stated in an annoyed tone as he pushed several eggs over to where you were at.

"I know right! But unlike you I'm actually happy that we ran into them," you said with a laugh causing Sebastian to chuckle along with you. "By the way what are you making for breakfast? I don't want to mess up on whatever you plan on making," you added in as you gestured to the eggs, bacon and flour that he had laid out on the shelf.

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