Even if it breaks your heart

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Michael was apparently the only one from his team available for his report. Aziraphale was glad it was Michael. In her serene, collected presence everything seemed simpler. Her cordial regard, her steadfast love—she could be a stickler, and he could never afford to be entirely honest with her, but of them all she made him feel most angelic, least like he didn't fit in Heaven. Michael, first angelic creation of the Almighty, reminded him most of Her, and that, he told himself, was what he needed. It was too much to hope for an audience with God Herself, these days.

He let her know about Argentina, and she applauded elegantly. "Well done as always, my dear. We're aware of the troubles in the region, and we feel that women's voices will be a force for good."

"I didn't actually do anything much," he said honestly. "The humans did it all themselves, especially the women. I just leant some moral support and a listening ear."

"As is proper." Michael smiled like the sun. "And the demon Crowley?"

And there it was. He kept his smile on his face. "Still hasn't been active, as far as I can tell."

"It's been a long time," she said thoughtfully. "Over six decades. Perhaps he has been recalled."

"Oh, I don't think so. He's been there from the beginning, like me. Perhaps he's napping."

"What a strange idea," Michael said. Aziraphale tensed a little, but the archangel shook her head, looking bemused. "Demons are incomprehensible creatures."

"But they were once among us. Our siblings."

"Yes." Michael's smile had faded, but Aziraphale gathered his courage and pushed on.

"Michael, do you remember Botis? Before he became, ah, Crowley?"

The smile was entirely gone now. "Ah. Your paths didn't cross before the Fall, did you? He was one of the worst and vilest of the traitors, even before he corrupted the first humans. You have my sincere admiration for keeping him in check as an Adversary."

Apprehension choked him. He covered it with a nervous smile. "Why—why one of the worst, exactly?"

She contemplated him. "Aziraphale, beloved, is this really worth speculating about? Why the interest? Your job is to watch and thwart him and lead the humans away from him, not to dwell on the unfortunate past."

"It might help me. If he becomes active again. To—to counteract him."

She sighed, linking her fingers together. "He offered to act as a liaison, in the beginning. That was one of the roles for which She created Botis, you know. To create harmony among the stars and, we thought, among humans, among us. We were frightened, we didn't understand why we were about to lose angels, why anyone would want to rebel against our Mother. Botis was dearly loved by us, and also by Lucifer and Belial. We seized on his offer to make peace. We trusted him. And instead, he lied to us and them and dragged as many angels down with him as he could. He tempted so many of us to destruction, and all as part of a deal with Satan so he could live on Earth with the humans. For fun."

Aziraphale closed his eyes. He couldn't bear Michael to see the expression in them. "How could he do that? We're all creatures of love, aren't we? How could he take angels who loved him, and betray and destroy?" Michael was silent. "Michael, please tell me. You were the only Watcher who wasn't corrupted. You must understand how angels Fall"

Michael sighed. "I was the First, you know. I had Her love all to myself. I didn't mind sharing. Even when the humans came, and they were best loved. I decided to love them too—just like you do. No one, I think, loves them as sincerely as you do, our most precious Principality. You are an inspiration to us all. But not everyone felt that way." Michael wasn't particularly touchy-feely, but she stepped forward and wrapped her arms around him, wrapped him in comfort that somehow wasn't comforting at all. "Don't speculate too much, my friend. It's better not to think about it. The last Falls were a very long time ago."

There Will Come a Day: A Good Omens FanficWhere stories live. Discover now