Chapter 12

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It's been two weeks since Bryce and I have gotten together. Two weeks. I have to admit, it's pretty nice being with someone who dates me for only my looks.

As much as I hate cheesy stuff, I love when Bryce's text me in the morning, saying how much he can't wait to see me. Or the good night text. Or random compliments. Or the random phone calls just so he can hear my voice.

It made me smile a little too much.

He said he didn't care if anyone found out, so he didn't care if I told anyone. But I haven't told a single person. I'm going to wait a little while before telling Coby, I don't want him to flip his shit. Bryce has already told a few of his friends, none of them minding,

But one was a girl that he told, she threatened him and said: "if you hurt that cute little nugget, I will beat the shit out of you". It's good to know that at least one of his friends doesn't hate me.

This Mandy girl is kinda scaring me. She keeps dropping weird hints that make me sometimes want to scream at her that I'm gay. 

But after she constantly left love poems on my seat and kept asking for my number, I asked the teacher if I could switch partners. I now have this other girl who's name is Emma. She's not obsessed with me, she's really sweet and actually helps me with the work.

She talks a lot though, which I didn't mind. But there's always something up with her. Always some drama going on with her and others.

Bryce kept texting me in the middle of class, which I didn't mind. I just felt bad for Emma because I kept getting distracted.

Bryce🖤- No. There is just this dumb bitch who keeps staring at me...

Me- Seems legit

Bryce🖤- Shut up

Me- Just tell her that you have a bf and never look at her again... DUHHH

Bryce🖤- She hasn't even spoken to me... she just keeps staring and winking and blowing me kisses...

Me- Wtf... what's her name???!!!

Bryce🖤- Don't worry about it baby. She just got yelled at by the teacher for not working

Me- She needs to stop eyeing you😡😡

Bryce🖤- Aww ur a cutie❤️❤️ I can imagine ur grumpy little face

Me- Go to hell😒😒

Bryce🖤- Nope. I will be too far away from you

Me- You know ur a dick sometimes...😒😒😒

Bryce🖤- I know😘😘😘😘

Me- Fight me... I'll ttyl... I have stupid work to do and I feel bad for my partner

Bryce🖤- Mkay baby


Bryce🖤- Stfu. Except that I will continue calling you cute nicknames until I die or u threaten to break up with me. (Don't get any ideas!!!)

Me- Hm... Whatever... Ur an asshole... Bye🖤


I snap my head towards Emma, "yeah? Sorry."

"No, it's fine. I just wanted to ask if you wanted to sit with me at lunch? All my friends are always hanging with their boyfriends or girlfriends, so I really have no one to sit with now." Emma explained to me, making a lot of hand gestures. "It's complicated. 3 of them are gay/lesbian and then 2 are homophobic so they refuse to sit at the same table as each other. Then everyone else has a lover and my boyfriend just broke up with me. Then my ex-best friend and boyfriend are dating and it's gross!"

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