Getting A New Job

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Your POV

"What do I do now? I can't find any jobs!" I groaned and sat up from my couch.

"Is there somewhere I can relax and eat?" I said to absolutely no one.

Then something just hit me. 'I can go to Freddy Fazbear Pizzeria!' I ran upstairs and into my room.

I pulled out a f/c hoodie and some black jeans with white and black high converses.

I grabbed the most important thing which is my phone—no wait food is more important.

I laughed and shoved my phone into my pocket. I picked up my keys and headed towards my car.

Freddy Fazbear here I come.

~Time Skip~

It was a 5 minute drive which is not far. I checked the time to show 4:50 pm.

I got out of my car and headed inside.

Kids were laughing and running around having fun.

"It's hasn't change from the last time I came here" My eyes looked around the whole room.

"Table for 1?" A lady ask as I nodded. She took me to a table which is kinda close to the stage where Freddy's and his friends are singing but they are human-lookin animatronics.

I looked at the menu. "Hello there! What would you like to order?" I looked at the girl.

"Oh a f/p/t pizza and a f/d please?" She wrote it down and smiled at me.

"The name is Chica by the way" "Y/n" Chica nodded and left.

"The name is Chica by the way" "Y/n" Chica nodded and left

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'Wow she's kinda cute' I thought and smiled at myself.

(Btw Chica could be a choice in this book)

'Jeez I have to use the bathroom' I got up and speed walk towards it.

I wasn't paying attention and I bumped into someone. "Oh gosh sorry for bumping into you" I looked at the person and it was Chica!

I blushed. "No worries Y/n and your pizza is going to be ready very soon like about 5 minutes" I nodded and Chica smiled.

Bathroom time!!!

I headed back to my table. I was right on time because the pizza came which Chica brought.

"Here you go" She placed down the plate which has my pizza on it and drink.

"Thank you Chica" I smiled and she had a hint of pink tint on her cheeks.

"Don't mention it by the way of you need anything tell me and I will be happy to help you" I nodded and she left to serve more people.

I took a bite of my pizza and drink.

While I was eating I saw a poster that says

Help Wanted!
Freddy's Fazbear needs a night guard.
I will pay you $120.50 when it's over!

My eyes shined and I quickly finished my drink and pizza and walked over to the employee.

"Um excuse me" A man looked at me. "Yes?" "I want the job of being a night guard" He looked surprised but then smiled after.

"Just fill out this worksheet and you will get it" He handed me it and started to fill it.

I gave it back to him. "Alright just wait there" He went to the back room. I waited for him to come back which he did.

"Here's your outfit and I will see you at night today" I nodded and grabbed the outfit.

"Wait what's your name?" I asked. "It's mike" I nodded and he went back doing his thing.

 "It's mike" I nodded and he went back doing his thing

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I looked back at the animatronics. Chica was the only one looking at me. I smiled and waved.

She did the same but noticed that I have a night guard outfit which made her excited.

Chica POV

'Omg! She is gonna be the new night guard?! Gonna make this a secret so the others won't notice yet!' I ran up to her.

"I can't believe you are the night guard!" I said as she smiled.

"What's so special about it?" "Well you get to hang out with us and maybe meet the others..." The last part I said it in a low voice.

"Alright" "Have you been here since a child?" I ask out of the blue.

"Oh! Uh I did actually but you guys probably don't remember me..." Y/n slightly frowned. "Well I did heard that name before but forgot how you look like" I did a nervous laugh.

"Chica get back to work!" An employee yelled at me. I sighed "Let's talk later" She nodded and I left to serve more people.

'She's sooo pretty' I thought and giggled.

Your POV

So the paper said I have to be there at around 11:50 pm and the shift starts at 12 pm and ends at 6 am.

'I wonder why Chica said "Maybe meet the others" in such a annoyed tone...maybe she doesn't like them?' I thought and shrugged.

I got into my car and drove away.

~Time Skip~

I opened the door and sighed in relief. 'Finally I have a job!' I flopped down on the couch while smiling like a idiot.

'I should probably get some sleep' I put my alarm to wake me up at 11:40.

Then I drift off to sleep in my comfortable couch.

(Words:866! Some of y'all wanted me to do this [even me] so I did it! Miss Yuri out!)

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