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Stephen was still nervous about the whole situation. What if Tony would find the letter weird and throw it in the trash? What if he found out that the one who wrote the letter was him?

He all had these thoughts until someone grabbed his shoulder, making him jump from his seat.

"Woah! Heyyyy...You look like you're in deep thoughts" Wanda said in an uneasy tone. Stephen was embarrassed so he scratched the back of his head.

"I'm sorry, just had a problem" Stephen shrugged. He tried to change the topic and fortunately, it worked. They talked about their plans for this week, their academics, their strict parents and many more things that would make them comfortable...

...until it went into a talk about love.

"So Stephen, why haven't you found your significant other? Its really, really easy" Wanda asked in confusion. Dating was very easy for Wanda, especially when she is the most beautiful girl in their class.

"I'm not going to use a dating app" Stephen rolled his eyes, causing Wanda to slap his arm.

"Oww" Stephen sighed in pain.

"Shh! Vision might hear you" Wanda covered his mouth. Stephen was now releasing muffled noises, noisier than the noise that he does when his mouth is not covered. Wanda was getting annoyed so she released her hand from Stephen.

"Thanks for letting me breathe" Stephen said sarcastically, making Wanda roll her eyes. Stephen immediately packed his stuff and went to the canteen.

As he was eating his lunch, he immediately saw Tony in the crowd. He was holding something. Stephen didn't realize what it is at first but then he recognized the design on it.

...It was his letter.

"HEYYY EVERYONE" Tony screamed, gaining the attention of every student in the canteen, including Stephen.

"So someone wrote an admiration letter for me and I really want to get to know you more. So here's my reply, I'm placing it here!" Tony yelled and placed a letter on a table. After that he went out of the canteen and Stephen gulped. If he took the letter on the table, others might know that it was him, maybe Tony is looking. Stephen was in distress, he didn't know what to do. Fortunately, Stephen saw a janitor sweeping and asked if he could get the letter...without reading it. The janitor did what Stephen asked, and Stephen had a sigh of relief.

He opened the letter excitedly, staying on a place where no one will see him.

Dear whoever wrote this,

You're cheesy, but I like it. Thanks for giving me a letter! I'd like to get to know you more, who knows? I might like you too ;)

- your handsome, striking, one of a kind crush

Stephen was blushing. All these years he's been having a crush on Tony and all it took was one letter. Stephen laughed and he was in full bliss.

He immediately had thoughts, what if Tony doesn't like him after seeing what he looks like? What if Tony us just joking? He isn't sure about what will happen after this but one thing is for sure...

...He will write another letter

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