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Tony was fiddling his hands. Steve then came to him laughing making Tony confused.

"Why are you laughing?" Tony asked, furrowing his brows. Steve pointed at the janitor who is getting nearer to the letter.

"What did I tell you? It was the janitor" Steve was laughing and Tony just observed. The janitor wasn't smiling or anything, it just had its bored expression. When the janitor grabbed the letter, he didn't even read it. Tony's eyes widened as the janitor went nearer to someone, it seems like the janitor was giving the letter to someone. Tony focused on the janitor even more, like an eagle hunting on its prey. He saw a glimpse, it was a tall man. Before he could see his admirer clearly, Steve interrupted him.

"Hello? You already found your admirer and its the Janitor? Are you seriously continuing this?" Steve blocked Tony's view, making Tony annoyed. He gave Steve a death glare which gave him the chills.

"You may be athletic, but you are an idiot" Tony rolled his eyes gaining a small gasp from Steve. Tony then pointed at the janitor, sweeping the floor.

"You see that janitor? Someone ordered him to get that letter" Tony said seriously, making Steve realize the situation.

"Oh. Then who is it?" Steve asked. Tony just glared at him, giving the scariest look that Steve could ever experience.

"That's the thing, I could've seen his face clearly but you interrupted me" Tony sighed, making Steve realized why Tony was giving him the death glare.

"Then you should continue the letter?" Steve asked with a frown.

"Im waiting for his reply" Tony gave a small smile.


Stephen was in a good mood. Who knew that his crush would totally not reject him in a letter.

"Thank God I wasn't called a weirdo" Stephen mumbled. Unfortunately, Wong was behind him and he saw the letter.

"Weirdo" Wong said making Stephen jump from his seat. Stephen was so shocked that he put his right hand on his heart, forgetting the letter.

"Tony might be waiting for your reply" Wong giggled, making Stephen remember the letter.


Stephen immediately grabbed the letter and hid it in his pockets, but it was too late. Wong knew what Stephen was doing and he was ready to tease Stephen 24/7.

"W-whatever you saw, forget about it" Stephen stuttered, he was shy and flustered. Wong unleashed a devilish smirk, it seems like he was planning something.

"Why don't you give some hints about yourself ?" Wong suggested, making Stephen's eyes widen. It would be a nice idea but what if Tony wasn't into his features? What if Tony was just ridiculing him and once he founds out, he would humiliate him in front of everybody?

"That wouldn't be a good idea" Stephen put his palm on his face, letting out a confused sigh. He knew that Wong wouldn't give up about his idea and that they would have a fight that would take forever.

Stephen wasn't up for the fighting, but he doesn't want to reveal himself...yet.

"Stephen just for once in your life, don't stay in your comfort zone" Wong said in an annoyed tone. Stephen groaned, he knew that their conversation would last for a couple of hours.

"But I like my comfort zone" Stephen whined. He looked like a puppy, it was a cute sight. Wong sighed at what he is seeing.

"I wish Tony could see this" Wong mumbled, making Stephen groan. He immediately stopped the "try-to-act-cute" strategy since he knew it wouldn't work.

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